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Busy by Wuvvums

If anyone’s wondering what’s going on with my activity, it’s just somewhat in the air right now. Last week was kind of stressful since on top of my normal routine of working I also was trying to keep up with a head cold. It’s stressful, and demotivating, but I am better now. Then I got some Undertale and blew a whole day out on that (kind of stuck in it at the moment though).

Now that being said from here on I am going to be adding 12 hours of studying on top of my 40 hour work schedule. This is necessary if I hope to get my certification. I heard it can take about 1.5 years to get ready for the exam, so I figured it’s better to start sooner than later. I think between the exams and the study material it’s going to cost me maybe 2.5 thousand dollars but I should be able to make that at my job.

It’s busy but that’s life, and if art falls a bit to the wayside that’s okay, because I can always pick it up maybe in small bursts when I want to blow off some steam. I also want to roleplay more (but mostly with my boyfriend only). So if you see me go quiet for awhile, don’t worry, that’s normal.



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