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Hat Price Update! Last chance!! by SweetSushi

I've spend all day yesterday making my Etsy Shop But more info about that in my next journal :P

For now I want to announce I am going to upgrade the price for my Splatoon Hats!
I've realized I am making a bit of a loss with paying for shipping boxes, paypal fee and such.
So I have been doing some math :P lol and I am going to chance the prices of my hats.

The Girl Inkling hat is going to be from €50 to €55
The Boy inkling hat is going to be from €40 to €45 (maybe €50 in the future)

I've already updated my Hat Form but if you like the hat for the old prices, you can still do so TODAY!
Requests made today 17-09 will still get the hat for the old prices. After that the new prices will apply.

I've also updated the color varations a bit, you can now choose from 9 main colors and 6 skin colors.
You can send me a message If you like to have something you don't see in the color options!

That's it for now! I will make a Etsy update soon ♥

Hat Price Update! Last chance!!


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