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Phone Interview+ Rainfurrest is GO! by Threetails

The phone interview seemed to go well. They told me to get back to them if I haven't heard anything about an in-person interview in about 7 business days. I got a good vibe from the interview.

I'm still kind of soured on working with the consumer economy, but I'm not some precious exception to it either. I'll do what I can to get this job because I need to push on as a writer. Also, for what it's worth, vacation rentals of this caliber aren't the most toxic industry out there (at least it beats standing all day at a kiosk in Myrtle Beach hawking time shares for no money except a nonexistent commission... been there, done that!).

Also, I've got a room for Rainfurrest! I basically took the first good deal that came along, and someone contacted me via the Furry Writers' Guild forums and said he could make space for us at the main con hotel at a good price. I'll be arriving Thursday and leaving Sunday, probably going by Bolt bus. The Bolt stops right by the Amtrak station so I know the way to the hotel from there. If I could afford it I'd go Amtrak again because there's something really nice about taking a train through beautiful countryside between two beautiful train stations, but the cost of my trip is now roughly doubled and I don't have much money to make this trip.

Lots of exciting things happening here. Also, considering a MAJOR life change at the moment... not in a hurry because it's a major life decision, but it's related to my frustrations with the consumer economy and with making the most of some experiences in my life that have pushed me toward a more contemplative and spiritual end. Those of you who read my fiction will probably not be terribly shocked if and when I make a decision to pursue this.

Phone Interview+ Rainfurrest is GO!


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      I try to be, though I've always known it's against life's current. Though at times I feel less like a fox and more like a salmon in that regard...

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    Just saw this journal after commenting on the other one. Hopefully, I'll see you at some point during RF!

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      I won't be hard to track down. Look for me where the writers or musicians are. :3