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Vet School/ Bday weekend [UPDATE] by fauxydingo92

I just finished my first week of my 2nd year of vet school!!!


Well today we didn’t do much but sit in a humid class room listen and meeting our new teachers. My classes I had today was Pathology, Parasitology, and immunology. We normally were supposed to start at 8 am, but due to one of our teachers passing away this summer, and still not having a teacher, we started later. Also the teacher that was going to teach another substituted class, but he was teaching the first years, so we did not have a first class. After lunch we got started running in Pathology, as we started a 2 hour lecture… lol


OMG… this day was on ten!!! Well it started out decently I went to all my classes. Which were virology epidemiology and virology/immunology lab. The lab was long.. and boring, but the good thing is that it was a half day and we were done at 12!! –happeh dance- Soo I am thinking about gong home.. until it hit me.. I had an OTS (veterinary fraternity) meeting.. at 4pm!! –sighs-A few friends were going to go walking as we are trying to help each other stay healthy and exercise. So I was like “sure!! I need to exercise and then we can study!!! After walking (and dying slowly as I did so) we chilled a bit and then had out OTS meeting a little later. That meeting.. got everyone’s blood boiling… that is all I will say on that.

Well as I am dying of starvation, I head to subway and get me a salad, and then head to the gas station and get gas. As I do so… this Purple SUV comes riding up as this older man comes out… tattoos and grill… he was basically hitting on me talking about how beautiful I am and how he wants to take me out and how he likes good girls… and I should go visit him in Montgomery… he ask me for my number and I went dumb saying that my pone was dead and I was too tired to remember my number… I wrote his down, as he told me to call…which I ereased later.
So I drive home to find the power is out.. and it’s hot… and still haven’t eaten and I have assignments to do I drive back to school to do them.

I was able to finish them, and I get home to have the power back on,,, but have my alarm going off cause these stupid fake nails!!! –face palm-
This was my day….

MY BIRTHDAY!!! Sucks I still had school, but my classmates wish me a happy birthday through song!! It made my day!! I was then able to head to Birmingham to spend time with my mom and brother befor they left Saturday.
My babe, :linkitamatchi: surprised me with some of the cutest icons of our characters Harle and Deshinu, I cried as it made my night!!!


My mommy and bro had to leave today.. but before that my mom treated me to a birthday breakfast at waffle house!!! I loved it and ate most of the food which usually don’t. We talked with a waitress whos jaw dropped when I told her that I was in my 2nd year in vet school. She thought I was a sophomore or junior in high school.

Later after we dropped my mom and brother off to the bus, I went back toward my place and to auburn to a friend’s house to have our “Asian Night”. Due to everyone’s funds, we were all able to bring our pennies together and ordered some Chinese food, and we tried a bit of everything, which I really enjoyed!!! We were watching a Jackie Chan movie, I was surprised as they got me a cupcake cake and they sung me happy birthday!!! –tears up- I have awesome friends.

While halfway paying attention to the movie One of my friends ordered these Japanese “candies,” where they are themed, I got the hamburger ones. You get packets and put some water in them..Some you microwave and you put things together. They were some interesting things… the ones that we had, did not taste to good, but we had soo much fun!!!

Thank you so much to my friends and family for being such an amazing blessing to me during my birthday weekend!!!

Vet School/ Bday weekend [UPDATE]


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