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Why I would write porn... by Domnul Eduard

Knowing that porn is the answer to the popularity algorithm here...
I would write porn, and therefore acquire popularity.
I would continue doing so until I reach glorious deus vult popufur status and have thousands of watchers.
Once I acquired watchers, I start handing out cheap commission in which I basically manifest my new plebeian watchers' deepest and most decadent fantasies.
Hand their commissioned stories through dubiously suspicious links that will basically infect their PCs with a worm/virus/adware/malware (or whatever) that will turn their PCs into mining bitcoins for me.
Eventually, I will have 7348 PCs mining bitcoins for me. Will raise to 15123 if art theft will happen.
With the money and bitcoins won, I will buy a laptop
Go just outside any bar in town, log into their wifi
Connect to TOR (Or broadly: The Darknet), with money and bitcoins (Should be tons by now) hire all the hitmen and crazy people, found a glorious deus vult terrorist organization
(While at it, expose all pedophile subhumans from TOR to their country's law enforcement institutions... simple civic duty)

Direct the terrorist organization into usurping my country's government and establishing me as the head sovereign.

I would literally become a country leader by writing pornographic material.
Imagine the ego-stroking moment I would have knowing that I would be the first person in history to achieve something in life with porn. No wonder I love myself so much.

First thing I would do as glorious leader: ban porn.

So yes, if you'll ever see me writing porn (which will never happen) then prepare for following me on a quest for world domination.
Since you are the dear and committed followers that you are, it is unquestionable that you will follow me on this quest right? right? right? c:

And if you wonder, yes, I usually spend my nights devising world domination plans.
Enjoy the randomness.

Why I would write porn...

Domnul Eduard

Journal Information



  • Link

    A cunning plan for sure.

  • Link

    I need more journals like this in my life.

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    Me and my brothers will join your most glorious cause :D
    Just promise to help keep the god dam Reds & Russkies out, and we're even!

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      But... but I wanted to make art trades of furry porn with Emperor Putin :c

  • Link

    Writing porn doesn't get you any popularity, just look at all the porn I wrote - not a single person actually reads any of it.

    Now, drawing porn, on the other hand~

    • Link

      But have you ever plotted world domination through writing porn?


      There's your error.

      Or are you insisting that the reason for my popularity will not the hypothetical pornographic but merely the fact that it is written by my gloriously exquisite and overtly finespun self?
      Yes, I can actually believe that.

  • Link

    That is surely one imaginative way.
    But even if ever started to write porn, you already failed your plan - you told us about it. :>

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      I never mentioned my plan was supposed to be secret.
      Flamboyance is key to every successful dictator c:

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        As Megamind so succinctly puts it: "The difference between a regular villain and a super villain is presentation."

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        We will see that! :D