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Stupid, Crappy Days by TheWhiteDragon

Well, for one, why is the title "Stupid, Crappy Days"? Even though I don't feel like this is the worst day ever, this is still one of those days that just hardly goes right.

Let me explain.
Today, our A.C. is having problems so it's pretty hot in all rooms but my mom's. (Yet, I've felt hotter, so I'm not going to complain)
Earlier I had to clean up the laundry room (which I didn't really put much effort into "cleaning" it, more just--fixing the, uh, hamper? we put all our dirty laundry into) in which our foster dog Cash decided to string all over the place, whilst in the process I ended up sticking my thumb in a pile of semi-fresh crap. (That was just disgusting. Ewgh)
Then my mom got the "BEST" idea to put some of our little dogs in with a bigger dog, another foster of ours named Atticus, in which they HATE EACH OTHER.
Then later while I was outside with my younger sister, I heard a commotion going on inside all of a sudden, which turned out to be a DOG FIGHT. Between three out of four of little dogs, and Atticus. AIN'T THAT A BIG SURPRISE? I ONLY SAID THEY HATED EACH OTHER. (Yet my mother will not grasp that concept?)

I just got done getting Momma, a short little ball of fluff on toothpicks (a dachshund/chihuahua mix), out from under my mother's bed (with the help of my sister of course) just after having to put a buttload of ointment in a POCKET IN HER HEAD that ATTICUS BIT/MADE. So now she looks like a mumps victim or an old woman with a bonnet on her head due to the bandages wrapped around her head.
Best part is--my mom said she would probably need stitches, but we can't afford a vet bill at the moment.

The best thing that's happened today?
I got to play outside in the water with one of our other foster dogs Domino, that was a fun way to cool off, but my hair also looks like Merida's from Disney's Brave because I got it wet and it's now (semi) dry. (I LOVE MY CURLS ^U^)

...That's it.
I've most certainly had worse days though.

...Like my dad being a D-Wad and not doing shiz about our situation. We're walking on eggshells here, people. Give my family a friggin' break.
Dangling by a string, the end of the rope, whatever else way you can say "We're broke and we need some way to pay our bills and such but nobody cares so we gotta do it all on our own."
"Kicking butt and taking names" is what my mom would say. She said that to me the other day when I told my dad we needed help and he didn't give a single crap.
I said "I'm just afraid we're going to run out of miracles soon." to my mom when speaking to her,
and she said "Oh, honey, I don't believe in miracles anymore. We own life, kick @$$ and take names." or something to that similar.
...Yeaah, my mom's awesome.
But also can be a bit of a pain when she wants us to do something.
But then, I guess that's just how family can be, eh?
You love'em, but don't have to agree with them.

So that's my rant of the day. Hope you enjoyed the drama of my real life!
I'm leaving this on a positive note. ;)
(You know you're temperamental when: At the beginning of the day, it's peaceful. Then you get stressed and irritable, then you get positive again. XD)

Have a Happy-Dappy Day~! -WD

Stupid, Crappy Days


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