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When killing kids = God points by GuzzleMuzzle

"But not all Christians are like this!" yet these people clearly believed this to be the will of their god through no influence other than "God" himself.......

When killing kids = God points


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    That is the danger of any philosophy that divorces the individual from their actions. 'I was obeying the lawful orders of the state' ah but it was not the state the loaded up the cattle cars now was it? Or Allah commanded me to behead that dude...did you get that order notarized? And if you claim you did,you are still the one swinging the blade.and this case too,same thing. It is total bullshit to to claim any and all actions one does is by the will of anyone or anything else other than oneself. For good or ill.

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      Influence from the same book where God tells Abraham to kill his son just to see if he's crazy enough to go through with it, because clearly, the greatest "test of ones faith" is to push them to the edge of a cliff telling them to jump off only to say "No, don't do it!" after you've seen they're willing to do it.

      We'll just sweep the cases of folks who DID go off the deep end under the "God's mysteriously working ways" carpet...

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        I like the movie 'year one' interpretation of how that went down

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    I'm sure it's completely coincidental that they beat one of the black ones to death~

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      Clearly as an impersonal effort to properly discipline! We all know she was the rebellious one, but I could never imagine why...