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Pick a Number Ask Meme by Shadderstag

Stolen from Spartadog. Was originally a tumblr ask meme, so give me the number of which one(s) you want me to answer!

1 if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
2 have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
3 list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
4 do you like your name? is there another name you think would fit you better?
5 do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
6 are you religious/spiritual?
7 do you care about your ethnicity?
8 what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
9 are you an artist?
10 do you have a creed?
11 describe your ideal day.
12 dog person or cat person?
13 inside or outdoors?
14 are you a musician?
15 five most influential books over your lifetime.
16 if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
17 would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
18 what’s your patronus?
19 which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
20 would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
21 do you love easily?
22 list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
23 how often would you want to see your family every year?
24 have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
25 could you live as a hermit?
26 how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
27 do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
28 on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
29 three songs that you connect with right now.
30 pick one of your favorite quotes.

Pick a Number Ask Meme


Journal Information



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    22, 30!

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      22 list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order. (from most to least)
      1. Dealing with anxiety, depression, BPD and PTSD
      2. Feeling guilty for not being neurotypical and functional
      3. Talking to people on Skype, FB, and Twitter
      4. Art, video games, RP and watching Youtube or TV shows online
      5. Self care

      Sorry that's so depressing but, well, it's the truth |D

      30 pick one of your favorite quotes.

      People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk.
      -Stephen King

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    13, 22

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      13 inside or outdoors?
      I am actually the worst shut in ever because I actually adore the outdoors. I love hiking, I love nature, I love breathing in the fresh air and feeling the wind and sun and rain on my skin, and I love observing nature around me, from the tiniest spider spinning a web in a small flower off the side of a walking path, to the whiskeyjacks that are so brave that they'll land on your hand to steal a piece of your sandwich, to the cougar lazily staring down at you from the tree you just walked under. I love seeing the oceans of prairie grass and wheat rippling in the wind, the beautiful skies that Saskatchewan is known for - from the colorful dusk and dawn to the night sky with stars so densely packed that it looks like you're staring up at a great black tree and the stars are light filtering through the dense leaves - as well as the stormy weather of Alberta with it's foot of hail in a little over an hour and the lightning shows it gives, and seeing the great forests in the BC Rocky Mountains, where the moss is so thick it's like walking on a giant sponge and the trees are covered in a myriad of surprises.

      I just love nature so fucking much lol

      I answered 22 above but I'll answer it slightly different here
      22 list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order (While doing art, from most to least)
      1. Inking
      2. Concept
      3. Color
      4. Sketching
      5. Gesture

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        I love what you said about outdoors, I'm the same way with them, everything's so great and I really wish I could get out more.
        Especially to the beaches around anacortes and to different places in the mountains.

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          I am such a nature buff but I rarely have the spoons or resources to actually go out and enjoy it. There's no beaches around here, but the mountains are an hour's drive and there are soooo many trails to walk on and I really love geocaching. You can treasure hunt as an adult! What's not to love!

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    22, (oh! other peeps picked this one too!) then uhm... 1!

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      Answered 22 twice and I can't think of another thing to do it for :c

      1 if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
      Read: Stephen King (anything from before From a Buick 8), Laurell K. Hamilton (Anita Blake series), JK Rowling
      Watch: Mulan, District 9, Batman: Under the Red Hood
      Listen to: Iced Earth, The Tea Party, Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant