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A query for followers regarding my work. by Sparkyopteryx

I've been wondering about this for a while now (even before this place went into open beta recently) but I figure the sudden boom in population around here puts this question in the forefront. Originally I was only going to post certain things such as finished character art, stuff for my story and a few choice other things, and what I was wondering was this: would you guys be interested in seeing my other stuff that appears in say, my Nabyn and FA? Things like a lot of my concept and design work and a few odd sketches; I'd even make a separate folder for this. It's really not a pain for me to post extra stuff, so don't worry about that! I just want to accommodate my friends and followers and know what exactly they'd like to see in my gallery.

And a second question for you all; I know I've asked this on other galleries before in the past, but that was a long time ago. What exactly would you guys like to see from me, content-wise? More general fantasy related stuff? Animals? More of my Celtic knotwork-inspired art? And as far as animals and anthros go, any species preference or ideas? I'm hardly in an inspirational rut, but I'm very curious to hear what you guys might want to see! I hope to hear some feedback from people regarding both of these questions.



A query for followers regarding my work.


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    Personaly I say post everything you have here! I love seeing everything people do and would prefer to only have to look in one place for it all!

    As for what to post, I would love to see more personal art from people. Stuff that they do because it has personal meaning and not just because it is what they think will sell etc.

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    I think you kinda have an idea what I like but what Tristan said is pretty much my feelings also, especially about the personal pieces.

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    I love seeing sketches of all kinds. I say post anything you want! :)

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    In a word: Yes. Go nuts.

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    The gallery of an artist is multifaceted. So, why not show all of the other facets of your art?

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    Well, I LOVE how you draw bats and unicorns and I'd like to see your take on other species too; kirins, reptiles, and the like. Maybe rabbits? I wouldn't mind seeing your FA stuff here too even though I watch you there as well. :)

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      Maybe I'll bug her to draw more of my reptilian monsters. I've got quite the number of them! She draws the loveliest dragons too.

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      I've been wanting to draw my take on kirins for quite a while now, and I've been drawing more reptiles (my partner has a metric ton of scaly monsters, as well as myself; dunno why I don't draw them more!), I need to start posting them. Rabbits, huh? Well I do love hares and jackrabbits...maybe I'll try my hand at some jackalopes. :>

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    Anything and everything ^^

    And birds lol

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      I agree on the point about birds; I'm absolutely obsessed with birds and yet...I don't draw them enough. MORE BIRDS.