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That Whole 'Coming Out' Thing by Televassi

I heard this said in an interview, ironically, talking about coming out. The gist of the response went that being in the closet about sexual matters is comfortable and safe because there's no one else there, and you can keep it in a separate compartment. And well, while I find that is a great description, it doesn't give me any reason to move out from it. I can freely talk about it to some very close people I know here, and generally on the internet, but in person, I just stick to a façade of being straight, and somewhat uninterested. To be honest, I don't appreciate the half-lies, but I'd rather not bother trying to explain bisexuality, as well, you don't need to look far to even find gay people who hold negative opinions about it. It's bizarre and amusing that people can accept the idea of loving anyone regardless, but also, somehow think that you must have a preference. So, well, as with many things in life, I just decide to lie about the aspects of my personality which people can find problematic.

If it's one thing I've learnt this week, is that I can easily be an Everyman. I used to think that when I thought I could act roles, it was just bravado, but it turns out I can when it matters. I've gone from a trainee starting out fresh, to someone who now sells the most of a certain product in a shop - without any knowledge of the subject. In the three days I was making sales, I made £800 plus in sales, which, for someone with no retail experience, is impressive. I wasn't lying, I actually was just being honest and trying to help the customer. Anyway, back to the point, I've become so very good at ironing out and ignoring other aspects of my sexuality, that I find it's something that I don't necessarily lie about, I just don't admit it. And well, I don't know if I'd ever want to make it public knowledge. It's something to think on, anyway, because well, the tangent about sales was to make the point that there are many reasons to withhold things. That, and perhaps one of the worst things is seeing the frankly creepy responses some of my friends have gotten on adult work they've got commissioned here.

That Whole 'Coming Out' Thing


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