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Asks on a Friday! by r-a-blackpaws

Well, to bump that last journal off the front page, I figure it's a good time to do a "Ask/TMI" journal.

So, bring forth your questions, and they shall be answered.

Not promptly, though. I do have something resembling a crude facsimile of a life-type thing. ^.^

Asks on a Friday!


Journal Information



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    Why am I so gassy today? XD

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      Because you likely switched your soda to Ultra-Carbonated Foxy Lite! It makes your foxes float away! ^.^

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        Toot toot floooat floooat XD

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    What is the answer to this question?

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      42! giggles

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        Did you read all the books?

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          Actually, i have not read a single one. My ex-best friend read them all, thus that is how I know that 42 is the answer to everything.

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    More seriously, what would you say is your greatest quality or character trait?

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      My ability to empathize with people. It's a good trait to have, but it also does lead to me being taken advantage of quite a bit.

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    Crime dramas! Cops or Crooks point of view?

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      As I regularly watch Law and Order SVU and have the first two seasons of Homicide, I would say cops view most of the time.