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A-Z meme by DarkRyuukin

STOLEN FROM THIS FINE BAT-ASS (see the pun there? See it?) stokerbramwell
A. What are your favorite smells?
Masculine scents I have been told :I At least in terms of candles (at yankee candles I love Midnight Sky, Mountain Lodge...) although also roses, apples, lavender, and that smell after a thunderstorm.

B. Can you go a whole day without caffeine?
Given I have cut caffeine out of my life, yes

C. Who knows more about you than anyone else?
sephanine Easily. Also possibly the people I chat with on skype, Stoker and Hunter predominantly.

D. What song did you last listen to?
Ravers Fantasy - Tune Up!

E. Do you have a crush on anybody?
You know.... I "crush" easily. But that doesn't distract me from my whole hearted and utter love for Sephanine. So it hardly matters. For gods sakes I have a crush on Blake and Kurt from Glee (since I'm finally watching it, late to the party I know)

F. Do you like The Beatles?
I'm learning more and more that I like their songs that aren't their hits... so idk. Also I like John more than Paul. So long as it isn't Journey growl

G. If you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose?
Well that's easy! I already almost do this! Black!

H. Do you cook often?
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF that's a joke <3 though I do enjoy cooking with Seph <3

I. What was the last film you watched? Did you like it?
American Sniper and FUCK YES I DID HOOAH

J. Can you sew?
Um, sorta, by hand, tediously. I'd rather not. Though I have been known to make cat toys.

K. What is your favorite fruit?
Oranges <3 ESPECIALLY blood oranges (I'm not even joking, all demon business aside)

L. Are you health conscious?
Um, to an almost unnatural level. Like wow, tone it down self.

M. Go do the Kinsey scale test, what number result did you receive?
I'm gonna retake that, ONE SECOND imagine a pause
The test failed to match you to a Kinsey Type profile. Either you answered some questions wrong, or you are a very unusual person.
Don't believe me?
Go here:
Ok well I personally scale myself as a 1 or maybe a 1.5

N. Do you curse a lot?
Well I don't go out of my fucking way to swear, but piss me off enough and I might

O. When was the last time you had a pint of beer?
D: never. I feel I would become too aggressive.

P. Are you pro life or pro choice?
Don't use it as birth control, like some in my family have, but other than that I'd say I'm really pro choice because I have no idea the struggles or life of that woman, and she should have the ability to choose whether or not to go through with it. Though I think you should know you're pregnant within the first trimester and make a choice then. If you get to the third trimester and don't want to do it anymore, well, too bad, now you've got a VERY developed baby inside you, and I think its cruel to kill it at that point. But its all grey. So who knows.

Q. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason?
Not really no. Usually when I crave a food its because I need the nutrients it has, I listen to my body, eat the thing, and the craving goes away. For example the other day I was craving a Gatorade, so I must have been missing electrolytes. My body hasn't lead me in the wrong with this so far. Except maybe caffeine...

R. What was the last book you purchased?
Usually I'm gifted books.. hmm.. the last one I bought for myself would've been Grey's Anatomy. Exciting, I know.

S. Where was your last vacation?
Memphis Tennesse for a Gamesday Convention <3 It was lots of fun~ I miss it and the huge fancy suite I didn't know Seph and I had bought.

T. Do you shave your pits?
Not usually no. Might have to for fancy events or vacations. But did you know hair there (or really almost any body hair) collects pheromones and makes you more attractive to the other sex? Its true! So its unnatural for guys to want women to be hairless!

U. Did you ever play seven minutes in heaven?
Nah. But when I was younger I played "truth or dare" but a poledancing version. Sorta. Shit was weird yo.

V. Girls, when was the last time you went out without a bra?
Every single night :I And also days I'm at Seph's. I only WISH I didn't have to wear one in public, but, here that can get you indecent exposure, so I can't :O

W. Guys, when was the last time you went shirtless in public?
SERIOUSLY WISH I COULD but there would be a lot of issues with that if I did, beyond legal even

X. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?
My neck and my arm. My neck from falling out of a truck when I was 2. My arm was a hairline fracture from running in the basement that had just been mopped and slamming into the wall.

Y. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled. Because I am a child still. I MEAN RAWR I AM A DEMON

Z. What was your last argument about and who with?
Wow the fact that I cannot recollect my last argument is good :O Um, I'm just gonna go out on a limb though and say it was probably over feminism.

A-Z meme


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