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Stress does WEIRD things (psa: take care of yo'self!) by Bri Mercedes

(Keep in mind I've been working 30-40 hours including art for the past two years so I am not physically adjusted to 60 hours. This isn't a "poor me" story because I know people work MUCH more than I do out of necessity and I'm not looking for sympathy)

So you might know that I took another part-time job at the beginning of May. That plus my evening janitorial job makes over 40 hours, and if you add my art jobs to that, I am pulling a solid 60-hour work week. That doesn't include my sleepless nights at Fur the 'More, which was pretty incredible!

I got sick around the third week of May due to me not taking good care of my body (not eating, drinking, or sleeping well). Intense headaches and nausea, had to leave the coffee shop early and call out of cleaning that night. The same thing happened again a few days after we got back from Fur the 'More. I've lost at least 6 pounds in the past week. My hormones have gone haywire (in case you didn't know: rapid weight loss, dehydration, physical stress, etc. are all contributors to making your menstrual cycle go "WTF"). I'm also driving my poor husband insane because the housework isn't getting done. haha

I took the second job not anticipating I'd have this much business after the convention was over but I am getting enough business to actually replace the income I'd lose by dropping my evening job- IF I continue to put a lot of work into my art business. I never would have guessed that I'd be a professional furry artist, but it's actually been getting clearer and clearer that this is what I need to do with my life right now. And when I'm not getting many commissions? I can work on my children's books and comics. Heeeeee!

So I slept for most of Saturday afternoon and kicked back with my sketchbook on Sunday and am feeling rejuvenated (thank goodness art is an energizer to me). I knocked out 1/4 of my art jobs this weekend and will have the energy to get a larger chunk of them done this week, so I'm not closing for new jobs because of this. And as always, if you're concerned about your order, please send me a message or an email!

So the message of this journal is MAKE TIME TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Serve your body so it can serve YOU!

Stress does WEIRD things (psa: take care of yo'self!)

Bri Mercedes

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  • Link

    Yep! It can be easy to forget. Hope you're feeling better.

  • Link

    Oh yeah, definitely. Don't ever let your eating, drinking or sleeping fall to the wayside! Not only does it hurt you, it makes you less productive.

    Be safe, okay? hugs you