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Commissions REALLY Needed...[EDIT] by Michelle_Woofwoof

I was busy doing some writing when one of my dogs came downstairs and lied down. I figured it was pretty normal, sometimes it's much cooler down here and it's getting warmer outside. I had to get up and I decided to give Shiloh some petting. I found the had some wounds from a fight. Nothing too serious, I would assume, but I started to get worried. I have no idea who or what went after her, when this happened, and how long she'd been lying around with a large patch of fur missing.
I've had enough. This neighborhood is packed with dogs, and while some have been friendly, others have these really mean monsters chained up in their backyard and given no attention. However, we have no leashes for our dogs and we've been letting them roam around at night. This is a bad idea, especially since the ever so kindly neighbor told us he was gonna shoot one of them if he saw them in his yard.

I live with my boyfriend and his mother under her roof. These are technically her dogs. However, she only earns enough to get food for all of us at least twice a month. Aaron won't do it and his mom can't, so I have to take some responsibility for these animals.

I at least need enough for:
1 collar
1 leash
Dog shampoo, preferably against fleas as Charlie has an allergy.
1 dog brush
and to be able to get our remaining cats, Alan and Bernard, neutered so they can be indoor cats instead.

I really wanted to save up for Anthrocon, but I also care about these dogs and cats under this roof. They need better care than what they're getting.


Thanks to some commissions and a small donation, I was able to get my dogs a leash, some shampoo, and a brush. The leash came with its own little collar, so that works well! I will just have to walk the dogs one at a time. I thank those of you who helped a ton. I'm sure Shiloh and Charlie will be happy to be a little more well groomed!

Commissions REALLY Needed...[EDIT]


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