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Don't know why I even bother by Irbis

I don't know why I even bother with any of it at all.


Don't even care right now.

If you're happy in life, hope it continues. If you're not, well.


Don't know why I even bother


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    What's wrong?

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      Internet friends are useless and utterly unfulfilling. My work is draining, shitty retail. I can't even try to be creative about it because in a modern society, your employer can force you to sign all kinds of contracts, like "we own anything you make at any time while employed, on or off the clock". And when you try to talk to a lawyer about it, desperate for some loophole that'll let you make your OWN things again, you find out that no lawyer will give you the time of day. "Sorry, but we have worked for/want to work for your big employer, so we can't help you as it'd be a conflict of interest." or just "You don't have oodles of cash, bye."

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        Then I highly recommend that you don't show your employer what you make on the side. Create an alias. A lot of writers work under aliases. Open up a google wallet account under a name that has only anything to do with this alias, and go back to making things.

        This is truly one of the only loopholes accessible to you right now. Unless you're making physical objects, but I've only ever seen your writing.

        I know life is shitty, and hard, but you need to hang in there.

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          Everyone says to do this, but I really don't see how that changes the legal situation. It's still work done by me. Even if it's under an alias, they still have that claim on it. I don't think I'm going to make riches or lose money here. There's not even any fame on the line (nobody reads fucking poetry). Society and the law say "When you put your soul into this stuff, it's STILL not yours." and THAT is what makes me feel like shit.

          Well, that and the lack of fulfillment etc.

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            Of course, you could seek gainful employment elsewhere.

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              I've been trying very hard for that.

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    hugs firmly I hope things improve for you.

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      You and I know they won't.

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        We don't know that. You've got to have some hope.

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          Hope for what?

          I'm a goddamn retail worker. I'm always going to be stuck in this shitty type of utterly crap job. There's no path out available to me.

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            You can't apply for other jobs while you're working there?

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              I can apply for lots of things. But I'm seeing that I won't ever GET anything.

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                Well I think you should just keep trying.