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WELLP. by Dae

So I've been waffling back and forth on the whole "Leaving FA" thing, which as I understand it has been pretty common. On the one hand, I don't much care for the idea of IMVU taking over the site and all the potential garbage that could follow in the sale's wake, but on the other hand... Nothing seems to have really happened. Flinters was actually the one who passively brought this to my attention, and is just about the sole reason I decided to look more closely at things and maybe retract my little tantrum after all.

So I guess, what I'm saying is, in short-- LOL MY BAD.

I've really been getting back into drawing and creating things again lately, and it seems a little silly to pair that with leaving a community that's done almost nothing but support and encourage me for almost a decade now(Holy cats).

I think I'll still try to remain active on my cute little new Weasyl account as well, but time will tell in regards to what winds up getting posted where. Maybe I'll use it more for clean art and keep my filthy shameful stuff here on FA where people like it. :D

Thanks for bearing with me through all of this, kids. I'll try to be a better Dae to all of you from now on. <3



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    Yeah, the worst that's happened on FA has been some slightly shittier ads, but eh. It sounds like dragoneer might actually be putting effort into some nice site improvements though, so that's pretty cool. They've been very receptive of feedback so far -- whenever something is changed on the site (In terms of the interface. That's not to speak to the actual management of the website itself.) that the users REALLY don't like, they tend to fix their shit, which is more than I can say for some websites.