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Ahoy! by seinkraft

Well finally created my Weasyl account and started mooving my gallery from FA. I'm not leaving FA for now, not saying that I wouldn't love to, but Maybe I'll be more active here slowly while this community grows.

I already started giving my two centshere participating in the forums and commenting and faving lots of sumissions and journals here so the artists don't feel that its a dead place. So i encourage you to do the same! Everyone loves comments and favs :)

Respecting to my submissions I'll be uploading the art of this year. Probably i'll zip the old artwork I got instead of flood Weasyl with it.



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    Welcome to you and welcome to me :D I'm not completely leaving FA either, but plan on not submitting any new works there ^^ I went on a full friendship quest, you might have noticed from my icon ^^ And I didn't even notice the forums... I'm a dork :D Now I can venture into the depths of the forum and creep on people there too :D

    I will be looking forward to seeing your works :D I think I might calm down after getting over the "I'm new here! let's meet the neighbors" phase, but hopefully I'll never be too quiet :P

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      Ah I tought you were on drugs by the icon :D LOL

      I'll be uploadin them slowly i dont want to overload weasyl so quickly and anoy watchers hehe :3

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    like everyone else, I won't be leaving FA for here, unless FA goes down. ^_^

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      So... in three or four days due an outage LOL :P

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    Solwly making this world a better place. =3

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      * it's humping people all over the place * Giving the world more Seins :P