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An ancient tagging ritual has resurfaced! by LeccathuFurvicael

A person named CHBoler on DA tagged me way way back, and I just rediscovered that fact. I actually feel like I have stuff to answer with, so I thought this would be fun! ^^

1: You must post the rules.
2: Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create ten new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4: You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5: Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6: No tag backs.
7: No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 10 people.

Answering the questions he posed, I respond thusly:

1) Where are you from? I'm from Swans Island, Maine! Yes, a bona fide island, off in the Atlantic - requires a 45 minute ferry ride one way to get to and from the mainland.
2) What is your family like? Hardworking, practical, and everyone has an amazing sense of humor and they aren't afraid to use it! Don't find yourself trapped with me and my three sisters in a Chinese restaurant, unless you don't mind raucous laughter, bathroom and dark humour, and dramatic utterances of 'Butt CRRACK!' (seriously, that's a thing XD)
3) How do you see yourself? Quiet, quirky, dark, cynical, easily amused, sometimes irritated by innocuous social situations, absolutely hyper when it comes to finding some new critter or listening to an amazing piece of music, hypersensitive to emotion and sensory stimuli, and fighting to grab a hold of motivation.
4) Traditional or digital? Aaagh... this is a tough one, but I have to say that traditional art is the most satisfying for me.
5) What kind of people annoy you the most? Know-it-alls, people who try to circumvent an argument to be pithy, people trying to 'one-up' each other, people who elaborate on how attractive a person is (because I'm self-conscious and petty), incessant people trying to ask things of me that I'm uncomfortable with who can't take 'no' for an answer.
6) What does sir or ma'am do when you are trying to earn money (whats your job)? I petsit/housesit and try to make pretty pictures and models for minimum wage or less. ; P
7) Favorite sugary snack. Crap I didn't format that as a question but ANSWER DAMNIT. Damn.... so many to choose from! There's this recipe, though, that uses Butterfingers and Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups, and is it GOOD. The name says it all: "Chocolate Peanut Butter Ooey Gooey Butter Cake". Hot damn, is that crack on steroids!! I also will eat Fruit Jellies from Trader Joe's 'till the day I die. :heart:
8) What kind of animal would you be if you were forced to choose a new form :3 Since I'm already a dragon (hur dur), I'd either choose to be a Black Vulture, Barred Owl, Great Grey Owl, Harpy Eagle, Osprey, or a Wolffish. ^^!
9) Do you collect anything? I collect dead things! Bones, desiccated animals, etc., and will decompose corpses when necessary.
10) Mew? utters a sonorous, low rumble, the sound of rolling boulders intertwined with the warm intonations of a well-played cello

And now, five tidbits about me:

  1. I love kombucha, ginger especially, and would drink it all day every day if I could.
  2. A beautiful, tiny little tortoiseshell cat has adopted me, cuddles with me under the covers at night, and likes to lick my face and hands frequently (which I actually enjoy and get all sorts of bonding oxytocin from XP).
  3. I tend to have C-SPAN on in the background whenever the TV's on, and like to listen to it - it's fascinating, and I'm intrigued (and sometimes disturbed) by the ideas and concepts its featured programs present, like that big Republican hoo-hah that was run live one weekend.
  4. I love food, and love to eat snacks in bed at night while I watch Let's Plays. I have a particular fondness for Helloween4545's LPs, and I love his endearing and hilarious sense of humor, and his British accent of course.
  5. I own a hatchling Savannah Monitor - no joke. This is the first time I've even mentioned it to a broader audience. Its name is Sava, is at least a month and a half old since I've owned it, and is still cautious but eats extremely well! It's an astounding creature that makes me happy whenever I see it, and I hope to continue to give it plenty of enrichment and a stable, healthy environment for the years to come.

And....this tag stream ends with me! I have no intention of tagging anyone else. I iz lazy. I'd love to hear your answers to these questions, though, if you'd like to respond to them! They're free for anyone to answer!

An ancient tagging ritual has resurfaced!


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