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Useful thing for artists - One Fantastic Week by SpartaDog

So I've been taking art a lot more seriously lately, both technically and as a business. As such I've been digging around the internet for some neat resources, and I'm gonna try to share them as often as possible.

Today I'm gonna share this awesome vidcast I found called One Fantastic Week. It's professional self-employed fantasy artists Sam Flegal and Peter Mohrbacher talking about art and business. They talk a lot about things like Patreon, Kickstarter, conventions (though they're talking about fantasy and comic cons, not furry cons, and they're very different, so keep that in mind), contracts, legally owning your own work, etc etc. They have guests on all the time and occasionally do portfolio critiques. Basically they just toss around a lot of REALLY good advice around. And they're both relatively young (I believe they're in their 30s) so you don't feel like you're being lectured by two older guys who are riding on their decades-long reputation, yknow?

Anyway, here's their Youtube channel and here's the Facebook group.

I definitely recommend any serious artists give these guys a listen. The videos are about an hour long and they make awesome background noise while you're working lol.

Useful thing for artists - One Fantastic Week


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    Ooh, I will check that out.