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Support an Artist! Get More Comics! by DrawHolic

Hey guys,

I'm getting close to wrapping up the second chapter of "The Sprawl". In the year and change since I started posting, I've gained nearly a thousand viewers (more than that, across all my online galleries) and posted over a hundred pages.

The thing is, "The Sprawl" is a huge project. The current story is shaping up to be around 400 pages or more, and it is only one part of a much larger series of stories I want to tell. On top of that, "The Sprawl" series isn't even the only series of books I've got bouncing around in my head.

I want to make more pages, faster, but to do so I would need to free up time by reducing hours at my day job. To that end, this past October I set up a Patreon account. Through Patreon, people who wish to support "The Sprawl" can pledge tiny monthly donations.

Emphasis on "tiny". The idea is not a few people pledging a lot, but to have a lot of people each pledging a very small amount.

You can set the amount you're willing to pay, whether it's 50 cents, a dollar, or more each month. Plus, if you pledge a dollar or more a month, you get access to the month's pages at the start of each month, rather than waiting for a page each week. Currently that is about 4 pages a month, but if I am able to get enough support to produce 2 pages each week then the number of pages subscribers get at the start of each month doubles, and so on!

I also try to throw in extras such as character concept art, sneak peeks at upcoming pages, and exclusive looks at my comic making process.

Every little bit helps! Thank you!

Support an Artist! Get More Comics!


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