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Not Dead by Veltress

Again, like I stated in my last journal I may appear inactive but I actually log in almost daily here!

So I've been really pushing work on my website: EvlonArts, which means I've pull my focus away from sites like Weasyl, FA, dA and even tumblr as my main art hubs. It's been a lot of coding & reorganizing and stepping back and considering what I really want on my space. I dont want my art stuff to seem distant and isolated by doing this, and implemented easy contact routes on the site via an open discussion board & news letter (which promises no more than 1 issue per month! I hate spam as much as you guys!)

This also includes delayed uploads to all other sites except EvlonArts. What does that mean? I post work to my personal site first, often the same day it is finished! Works posted to other sites are staggered, generally scheduled for 1 week after completion, except when there are multiple pieces at the same time, in which case I generally do 1 piece per week. In addition works posted else where are lower rez than on my website. This is to help me in two ways; first by hopefully gently encouraging people to visit my personal site if they wish for quicker updates, and secondly to mitigate the gross obsession I have with checking messages across 5 or so sites for hours after uploads. The second was highly detrimental to my work flow :c By scheduling the works to post while I am asleep or at work, I have been able to skip this obsessing, which is good and I've actually been able to be more productive because of it :D

Sadly Weasyl doesn't have a upload scheduler (yet!) so my gallery here is having to rely on me en mass cross posting from my dA (which is what I commonly do because my internet is a slow ass bitch these days), which I've been putting off due to the issue of wanting to check back here a ton for hours for feed back of any type :L I need to make myself stop but it's actually very hard. I feel distressed not checking, but then I build up a wall of depression (? not sure how else to describe that, sick feeling at oneself for being utterly useless shit) from this behavior and it makes me not want to make an art piece again so quickly (because haha repeat issue = trained responses whoops).

I don't grossly obsess my personal site for messages outside of a few minutes of checking everything looks good front end after adding things, it emails me, my ipod will sound so I'd know even without checking. tumblr does this too, but I tend to end up scrolling for HOURS to look at the stuff people have posted and wasting far too much time :| I kinda wish I could set that up on other sites to be honest (without them spamming the carp out of me for every little thing, arggg) because it does help with the issue a lot.

//I have social issues, don't mind me! Because I got super used to tons of crit/feed back at college so really really want it on my work still but I can hardly get any of that anywhere. I don't need ass pats, just missing interaction with artist about art things D:

Also I have a part time job. My boss has discovered I am a workaholic. They had to cut my hours. I feel like that's the opposite problem most employers have LOL. I was supposed to have 24hr/week, but then my pay stubs have me for around 30, so they bumped me to 30 by adding a day and my paystubs started being around 42/week. They cut my hours a lot, so I'm down to 19, and now they know I'm a workaholic and remind me it's time to leave so I don't forget and work 1 or 2 extra hours in a day.

It's a bakery and I'm the front manager, but really I just run a cash drawer, sweep and clean off tables. Fuck if I know how to bake LOL I think it's going to kill over though, the owner has crappy business running skills, and has been running it into the ground bad. It's kinda a bummer, but it did give me the chance to get a new telephoto lens (mine had a soft focus issue, I sold it, but I'm waiting on a quote from adorama D: ) and soon to hopefully invest in a wide angle lens (which would complete the lenses I wanted in total :D ). I'm going to have to see if the job holds out long enough for another month or so, so I can invest into a printing press and other studio equipment.

But I have more info about that stuff in my news letter, as well as some semi-announced plans for sales of my yarn tails ;D

Not Dead


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