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... Not sure if this place is worth it? by Stryde

Man. I love the setup on Weasyl. I love the system. I love the layout. I love the organization. But... where is everyone? I feel like I'm out in the middle of the desert. I can't help but feel I'm wasting my time here. I don't want to feel that way because I'd love to see this place take off... but it just seems to be getting quieter or something.


... Not sure if this place is worth it?


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    The user base seems to fluctuate a bit, but there is still a solid core of people using it... Just not enough people drawing to it. Most people are keeping their main gallery somewhere else or not updating here, which means that only the dedicated people trying to get it going are going to be around long term. The rest are just leaving once one of their favorite artists stops updating here or updates elsewhere first. I'm really sad it happens, but it does :I

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    I am too, to be honest! I hate to follow suit, so I'm sort of fighting with myself about it. On one hand: GOSH Weasyl's system is well thought out, and what a nice, glitch-free site! On the other: I'm not getting much out of it, and everyone I follow here I follow either on Fur Affinity or deviantART already. D: Maybe I'll stick it out for a few more months and see if anything improves.

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      Welcome to the club of "Not sure if it's worth sticking on weasyl"

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    I personally think they killed any chance of getting a decent base by inviting all the popular people first.The invite only beta, you can adjust with, but once everyone cliques up, you can kiss any chances of them looking outside their comfort zone good bye.

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      Mmm, that does seem like an issue. :T But even the big name artists seem to be wandering elsewhere.