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Rights and Equality by Eroomally

Its unfortunate that I have the guts to say this here, in fact I feel bad for even having to do this, but in truth and in hindsight this....this has to be said and I would like each and every follower, friend, watcher and many others who may see this journal/blog to take the time and understand the situation. Not just for myself but for the whole entire world around us.

Many will disagree with what I have to say, many will hate me for my opinion but that is a fact I myself must face because if someone dosn't say it then who will? Sure there are many who will stand up and say no but it dies out much like a virus theres always some form or way of dealing with it to get rid of it. So I must push myself to word this properly so that it does not offend anyone and I do hope you all can understand this in the deepest parts of your heart.

To begin this off I must link this particular website that talks and also has an ad, the main fact is the ad, the video near the bottom.

Already by now you can see what this link probably involves just by reading the url.

Thus I must also address this right here and now. I myself am not a lesbian, nor am I bisexual but that in itself does not mean I should turn away and ignore this rising issue at hand. In fact it gives me even more right to stand up and say something, to have a voice that isn't byist on the matter.

This ad was aired last night on two main stations which are the most popular of all stations within Australia. It just so happened to be aired during a particular event which I'm sure many of you all know the name of; Mardi Gras.

Firstly why would someone target children? Have so many people gotten to the point where they feel threatened that now they must make such actions targeting the lives of innocent children who barley understand the concept of a reality that they must face within the near future?

This ad is talking about donating real life money to help support an anti gay marriage campaign of sorts. For me it seems like someone hacked or planted a terrible joke at the right time, but who is to know, this could all just be some parody to fool society and see its true reaction to this right?

Perhaps but in any case my opinion is what matters right now.

Children are indeed innocent souls, some of them may be cruel or little brats that might seem to deserve it but in the end we are ruining the lives of the next generation to come, a generation that may indeed someday be able to put aside wars and accept other religions without fights being started.

Its not only that but Children also do not grasp the concept of our own world, each generation has their own style and groups as to how life should be lived. In our current era we are accepting things that where considered bad, we have a large range of technology now to help enhance ourselves, extend our lives.

Sure a child might get upset over the fact that they have two Mothers or two fathers, but the point has been forgotten, its not just a family with two same sex couples, a family involves uncles, aunties, grandmothers and grandfathers, it involves cousins and even step parents. Therefore no one child will miss out on such things that we humans claim to be.

Thats what families are for, we are role models for those amongst our own bloodline, its not to say that someone should pretend to be something they are not but children will not feel left out, as long as they have family that loves and cares for them whether they all be same sex couples or not, no one child will be upset because children do not have such high expectations like we ourselves have. Due to media we feel forced to accept two sides, to become gay which is the 'latest trend' or so media wants us to believe or to be 'anti gay'.

Do you see the issue here? because I sure do, the fact that we our being divided as a group who could have one day lived a world that wasn't as bad as it is today. Humans believe in control, not just their own lives but in the lives of others, to dominate and show little to no respect.

Answer me with all your honesty that you yourself have, if such an ad is acceptable then what about domestic violence? Kidnapping? What about the children growing up with single parents?

Nobody has ever dared to question to raise an ad against them, sure many years ago it was indeed seen as a bad thing but not like this. Because we have more access to media, such as the internet and facebook, this situation has now gone out of proportion, but we still have issues, children are kidnapped everyday and nobody cares. When I was still a child there were ads in place to help prevent children being kidnapped I question where those ads have gone now? Considering how bad kidnapping has gotten i still have not seen a single ad about preventing such things, in fact children in school no longer are taught about staying close to their parents because parents believed it was wrong and deemed the teaching to be harmful to children when really it was in place to protect them.

And what about domestic violence? Only this year I have actually started to see signs for men and women alerting them of an on going situation which has been taking place in our very own backyard for years. Women are rapped more then men, thats a fact but even so wem ust also acknowledge that men too are rapped and drugged just as much as some women are. Nobody has dared to set up any sort of device or ad to help alert women and men who have suffered or are still suffering domestic violence, and their children are forced to watch this and their brains being to develop the fact that its ok to beat someone up, to treat them as if they are mere toys to be easily replaced.

If you do indeed have a heart please come to understand my own opinion on this, its a growing issue that has been ongoing for too long, 5 years ago nobody could have cared, in fact a lot of people were still in the closet. Its only been the past 3 years that this has become such a 'trend' and I say trend because everyone believes they must love the same sex just to feel apart of something, just because a celebrate may be gay dosn't mean we ourselves must be and we have to accept our own true nature as well as those around us.

I'm not asking anyone to share this, but to merely understand the situation around us, that there are worse things out there then gay marriage, where did our equality and rights go to? We still have it we just deny it, so have a heart for once and remember things may get worse from here on out, but we must be the ones to help prevent ruining the lives of our children and other peoples children.

Rights and Equality


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