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I'm back from Abando! by Zeta-Haru

Wow! it was really intense, this whole week felt like... fast and slow at the same time o_o I wanted to go back home because I was missing my routine but at the same time I liked it, I loved the change but also was scared of it, I was far away from home but I was with the most special person to me <3 @mytigertail

I feel like writing a giant text but let's see what happens haha, first of all I gotta say that you only get what Abando is, once you become part of it, even I that am a guy that doesn't like talking or meeting people, enjoyed the event, we had no internet or phone signal, we did have technology but it was basically replaced by talking and having fun :) it felt very natural, it wasn't easy for me of course and I actually didn't participate in most things like exploring caves and such because I was tired or afraid, but I did enjoy the view, the cold feeling (it was raining almost everytime lol) and the people there, it wasn't crazy as I expected, when you put a lot of crazy people together, that group actually becomes "normal" xD anyway~

I could also put more fuel on my "flame" that makes me want to draw, they reminded me of some aspects that makes us furries special and I was forgetting because of the job and routine. I also got interested on buying some cardgames like Munchkin, that @FoxT showed us (a very nice guy btw) I also met other brazillian artists, I didn't know about most of them and I feel bad for that, but I'll be sure to follow their work from now on <3

I reeeally wanted to tell everything about it but I know I won't be able to express everything I want in a way that you'll understand, I just wanted you all to know that I'm happy and it was a good experience for me, as a fur, as an artist and as a human. Now I'll just need to get used to my routine again and get back on track doing commissions and making plans/projects for the future and maybe the next Abando! Might make special slots with a cheap price for the nice people there.

My dad was really worried because I couldnt answer the phone haha, poor dad :( but everything is ok now, I'm still dizzy from the last flight but I'll take a nap soon and tomorrow I'll be ok~ oh... and I'll miss Gabe so much :c until next time honey... it was really good seeing you again, we had more freedom and more contact this time and I loved being part of Abando with you specially <3

Thank you for reading this! (or whatever i could call it xD text barf?) and a beforehand "thank you" for the "welcome back" comments :3 now I gotta keep up with the tons of notifications from the lots and lots of sites I check daily xD gotta watch new videos from Pewdiepie, Good Mythical Morning... oh boy~ faints

See ya!

edit (forgot to mention I shared my room with @wagnermutt aswell xD he's fun and a good guy just like he is online)

I'm back from Abando!


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    Glad you had Fun