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original by tomhoshino

i realized just now that most of my charas are ripoffs of other cools charas i saw. even kinoko is a weird third hand mutation of Roux, who remains my only chara that i cant seem to think of any inspo for except looking inside myself and dreaming up what kind of animal i would be for my very first sona.

and at that time i sure as hell was a pink and blue plastic candy rave kanga dino i sure as heck was.

thats why NOW my sona is an old cat. that maybe she should have an eyepatch now that i think abt it.



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    i dunno, striving to be original seems to have mixed results, then again, the whole point of art is to pretty much doing what you want.

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      i TOTALLY agree w this, i was rly just making an observation haha i was thinking abt posting my chars w the chars that inspired them? idk that would prob only be interesting to me ;D

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        humm, that is indeed a fairly interesting idea

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    i dunno how some people can come up with numerous intricate and awesome characters like it's nothing.

    makes me feel pretty inadequate tbh.

    pollo chans adoptables make me feel like crap, what she does constantly i can't even do once. i know it probably took a lot of hard work to get to that point, but i feel like that level of creativity will never be possible for me. i've attempted a couple times to take an OC and give them a neat design from scratch that works well and doesn't clash, feel like i just can't do it :/ it's always typical, forced and just plain crappy....

    originality is tough x[

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      it kinda is, but in reality you shouldn't hold yourself to someone else standards, don't compare yourself to other artists,
      really... just do what you want, regardless of whether you consider it original or not.

      i'm not saying wholesale rip people off, just, try not to be concerned about it. :B

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        i know what you're saying :)

        if you're too worried about how an idea might already be in use, you pretty much turn the creative force off completely, kinda backfires ^^;

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          pretty much!

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      in all likelihood pollo's inspiration come from somewhere also UuU everyone gets their ideas from something, thats just how minds work. i think coming up with an "original" chara is practically impossible, and not that important. whats important is making it your own~

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    Egggh I actually know someone who would be affected by this too