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About a drawing removal by BondageDragon

Hello everyone!

Some of you have maybe noticed, but today, one of my drawing was deleted. It was the drawing Wyldfire7 made for me.
I won't lie to you, there is no simple reason. The drawing was deleted on FA by the admins at the Wyldfire's request, with, of course, all of the comments which came with and I deleted it here on Weasyl because I didn't have comment in and because that was Wyldfire7's wish.
So, I am not this kind of person who encourage people to the hatred, even if everything gave me the right to considere this drawing as my property given that Wyldfire didn't ask me to draw my character (which means I could considere this as a character theft and complain about it) and agree obviously to let me posted this in my gallery. So.... if really you want explanations or details, I invite you to go to this link where everything was clearly explained: (Right click on the images and "show image" to have it in good resolution)
Also, if you find that Wyldfire7's logic is wrong as I think it is, you can tell him just here: (!!! NSFW rating !!!), but as he consideres himself like the center of the universe, I doubt he will considere your opinion.

Thank's to Mod-Mod by the way for having posted this message in his site.

Oh, and about the title I chose for this message, it's justified by the fact that there are already several messages concerning Wyldfire on this site.


  • I see no art theft
    Answer: Not ART theft, but character theft

  • But he says it was a present for you?
    Answer: Yes, that's the point, but anyway, the copyrights are also applied for characters. Which means that a character couldn't be drawn without the owner's permission.
    So, of course, the reaction depends of the owner. Either we take it good and say thank you or we can say he's a theft and ask the deletion of the submission.
    First, I was nice and took it good. I said him thank you and posted the submission in my gallery.
    But after that, he began to say shits and to lie on several journals. I was honnest in comments, and he didn't like and almost began to insult me. And in one of the journals shown in the "fuckingfurries" link above, he asked me to delete this submission just because I didn't wish him a happy birthday (knowing that a didn't wait more than 1 day late wishes to post the journal by the way). I said it was a stupid excuse and, as we shared the copyrights (he owns the drawing, I owns the character), I told him that I didn't have too. Anyway, he requests to the FA admins to delete the drawings, and as a drawing is stronger than just a character, his copyright rights made that the admin accepted his request.
    So... I have nothing about my dragoness being drawn for a present or something like that, but then, you don't forbid me to post it or allow me to do it and then say you don't want it to be posted anymore (especially if you keep this posted somewhere in your own gallery).
    So... he played the good guy by giving me a present, I played the good guy by accepting it, he now plays the bad guy, I have no reason to stay still like the good guy I showed.
    If he got copyright rights about your drawing, I will naturally ask to my copyright rights too.
    Logic is logic.

About a drawing removal


Journal Information



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    FA c'est de la crotte. o_o

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      Baaaaah... Personnellement, je n'ai pas d'avis dessus. Je sais que le site a mauvaise réputation, particulièrement, apparemment, à cause des admins, mais ne sachant pas ce qu'on leur reproche, je n'ai pas de préjugés là-dessus pour ma part. Après tout, la suppression du dessin de Wyld dans ma galerie était justifiée. J'aurais peut-être dû ajouter sur le dessin un gros "Dragoness Astra owned by BondageDragon" et là, ils se seraient davantage posé des questions... peut-être. Mais bon. Un dessin d'un gamin immature dans ma galerie, ça ne peut pas faire de mal. =3

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        C'est sur. x3
        Bah en ce qui concerne les admins, je te renvois aux raisons de mon bannissement. x3

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          Ah oui ! Si, c'est vrai qu'il y a eu ça ! XD
          Oui pour le coup... Il y a vraiment des zones d'ombre, mais bon, je crois que sur FA, il y a tout de même pas mal d'admin, donc... peut-être que tu es tombé sur les mauvais, j'en sais rien... =/