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Commissions open! by JaktheDrox

I am terrible at coming here and checking messages. Sorry for the submission spam, I only uploaded half too X_X I'll be uploading the colored stuff a little latter today.

I figured i'd leave a note that commissions are open, Seemingly permanently as we have been moving through them quite quickly and on a regular basis and just can't seem to fill up enough.

I say 'we' as me and sayuncle here are a partnership. We do colab commissions. like seen in some of the other more recent colored submissions. We are a partnership.

I don't know how commissions information works, I haven't figured it out yet, I can't seem to find how to view them on here but if your able to view FA you can see everything here:

All commissions are taken through EMAIL now so it doesn't matter where your from, just mark your name as 'from weasyl'

Commissions open!


Journal Information



  • Link

    You can edit commission information under settings -> My Profile -> Commission Prices

    Commission prices then show up on your front page. Unlike FA, it looks like you'll have to include a link so the commissioner has an example image (or two or three) of each type. I played around with it to get familiar with it. It's a little confusing at first, but once you see how it works, it should be pretty easy.