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A huge change is on the horizon. by Mander

Might as well announce it now, New Year and all that jazz. I've spoken to a couple people about it already, but not a lot of people know;

I'm taking a huge step and moving to Memphis, Tennessee in June with my Otter. I'm sure this is going to come as a bit of a surprise (Maybe.) but i'm not going to be born and die here, I refuse to be. I'm also not going to sit around for another six years and waste even more of my time in this state. So i'm taking the chance presented to leave, and doing so as fast as I possibly can. I would have left much, much sooner had I not signed a lease on this apartment last June that i'd like to remain in good standing with, due to the fact there's also second signer on the lease as well who is still living with her boyfriend who supposedly broke up with her and kicked her out. 9_9''

I'm rambling now, but tl;dr

I'm moving, see ya Illinois

I'll miss my friends and amazing family, and thanks to the wonder of social media, i'll never be far.

A huge change is on the horizon.


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  • Link

    Good luck.

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  • Link

    Moving is never easy, but sometimes you have to take the risk to be with your loved one. I will do that as well this year though moving a whole continent is even more difficult. Good luck with the move to otter butt !

    • Link

      Good luck to you as well, and thank you!

  • Link

    Good thing Mem is a few hour's drive away: you know I'll miss the hell outta you, but with friends down there, I'll be visiting a time or 2 a year :)

    Yer gunna have to get the B-N furs all together for a going away party or something before you move. :)

    • Link

      I planned on trying!

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    Thats true we have to keep up with our Pokemons and stuff! :D

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      YUS! I'm sure we could arrange you too visit as well!

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        That would be fun get out of this place for a bit see new places I'm still gonna miss you bunches

  • Link

    Good luck with the move! Don't forget to take the time to de-stress once in a while. Moving is always stressful.

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      I have it pretty well planned out. Basically what doesn't fit in the car, doesn't come. Really the only thing I need is my cats, computer, and clothes. The rest will be purchased when I arrive (aka a bed). But moving is kinda stressful, I'll be leaving my employment a couple weeks prior to my move and living off my remaining vacation pay. Once rent is paid in May that's it. It's exciting.

  • Link

    Way late, but best of luck on the move! I hope everything goes really well for you, and it's wonderful you're going to be able to be with the one you love!

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      Thank you. c:
      About time, eh? xD;

  • Link

    Sounds good to me.

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      Is exciting!