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Happy 2015 To All by D'Otter

May we all have a happier year in 2015 than we did in 2014.

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, I decided long ago that they're pointless. But for this year, I'm making just one. Here's why...

I was at a party earlier in the year and some Russian-sounding fellow latched onto me... damfino why... and kept feeding me beers. Next morning I had to get up early for an emergency hop to the bathroom and had to change the sheets afterwards. Not just #1, either. Then last September, (I think it was), a new friend invited me and some others to a bar for drinks. I kept downing beers with everyone else... more than I should have... and I had to spend some time in the Men's before I left so I didn't embarrass myself (further) on the way home. I thought I just had to be more strict with my limit to avoid embarrassment.

But last week with Christmas dinner I had a can of Strongbow -- just one -- and next morning I woke up with the trots. I thought I'd foolishly had ice cream too close to the iron supplements I've been taking, with which I'm supposed to avoid dairy. But last night I bought a can of Steamwhistle, (a local pilsener), and one of blackberry cider and I had the beer with dinner. This morning, I had the trots again, pretty badly! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the cider, but I'm afraid to drink it.

So in 2015, I'm going on the wagon. It seems my gut just can't handle alcohol any more. So sad...

Happy 2015 To All


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