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Hey, I'm alive. Sorta by DeRiften

Throat ache's finally gone after more than two long and painful weeks. Then the water pump broke because of the cold wave we've had last week but that got fixed today as well. Buuuuut I've made my vacation a month longer in order to keep helping my mom recover from her surgery so I won't sing before the 1st of March because the Internet here isn't good enough to upload stuff.

Finally, I'm feeling a bit down today. See, I usually choose who I love 'cause I'm special like that but earlier I've realized there's this friend of mine who I legit love. Like, I didn't choose to love her, mostly 'cause I know she's not interested and she never will. So yeah, scumbag heart givin' me forbidden apples. #FML

Hey, I'm alive. Sorta
