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yo my transgender watchers and buddies by VCR-WOLFE

shit like this dont gotta happen

girls and boys and otherwise else dont gotta end their own lives because of the shit we are put through every day, but this still happens bc we all know a lot of this world still aint friendly to us ya kno. like really unfriendly

but ya kno theres still hope bc at least we are still trying to make a difference and make things better for us

people like leelah alcorn and so many other young kids and trans people as a whole should not be dying in vain ya hear me

we can stick together, we need to

i love yall guys ok. you n me are a lot alike. born one way and told to live a lot like that even tho we know its wrong, its not us, its not how we are meant to be. its scary being where we are. its so scary and can go so wrong if we try to be ourselves but maybe it can go right. it has to go right. we gotta fight for it so that we can stop things like this from happening, so they dont need to happen anymore in the future

please please stay strong ya guys. i love yall, im prouda yall for trying your best to be yourselves. we can make it. we can be who we feel we are. ill be there too ok, we all just gotta try our best

fuck today and yesterday were wild...

yo my transgender watchers and buddies


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    mmhmm well said!

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    stay safe stay strong dude

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    it is worth it to exist as one knows one is meant to exist. it is not futile.

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    Incidents like this always make me sad because 9 times out of 10 it's pretty safe to say the tombstone, funerary services, obituaries, etc etc will all list their birth names and genders, and that's just sad. Disrespected even in death.

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    To all you young folks out there - it's not too late.

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    Trying my best to get through personal shit of the flavor. It all sucks, all of this. And I wish I could just grant the wishes of all the wonderful people out there that need it but I cant and the struggles are fucing terrible......people shoudlnt have to go through shit like this. people shouldnt be disrespected and just.....gah. its just all fucking shouldnt be like this.

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    Well said. <3

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    I'm just so tired of being heartbroken.
    Thanks for being a voice of hope.

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    Well said.

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    yes, very well said

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    Leelah's death is just so heartbreaking... I haven't seen anyone on Weasyl speak about it yet so thank you for being the first (that I have seen)

    This whole thing is going under the radar which is INCREDIBLY unfair to trans/nonbinary people everywhere. Everyone needs this story to be heard.

    Everyone needs to stay strong

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    The news of Leelah's death has exploded on Tumblr, it shows up on the Facebook sidebar, and there's a wonderful hashtag that rose on Twitter about Trans adults. Her death is going down in vain. There's a petition to ban conversion therapy

    It's never too late to transition, trans kids need to know that. If you or any trans individual is feeling pretty low, During the holidays: (where mothers post validating, loving, accepting letters to trans folks when they need to be uplifted most. US transgender suicide hotline: 1-877-565-8860 Canada transgender suicide hotline: 877-330-6366 , If you or anyone would like to donate towards charities
    Massive list (over 2000) trans supportive Tumblrs:

    We can talk about her death til we run out of breath, but Leelah wanted action too. So there's some links gathered that could save lives. Stay safe, protect trans kids, and remember it's never too late to transition.

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      is NOT going down in vain* forgot a word there, oop!

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    I love you, trans siblings
    I'm cis passing and I'm so so sorry that some of you aren't afforded the invisibility that I am
    stay safe. it's a really sad story when dysphoria is less than half the battle..

    anyone who is reading this and is struggling, please, PLEASE reach out to me or someone else that you know you can trust with these problems. we all love you. even if you feel like you can't love yourself right now, we all love you SO much and are so proud of you. one day you will feel beautiful, happy and comfortable in your mind and body, just the way YOUR nature intended, nevermind what other people expect your nature to be.

    we will keep fighting for a safer world for you, not just because it's our duty, but also because we love you and want you to live happily

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    thank you

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