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xmas eve: 18 year old antonio martin shot and killed by police in st louis by Jive

Another 18 year old blank teenager shot and denied medical attention. Reportedly alive for ~30 mins after shooting, no ambulance called. Details fuzzy, protests growing. Cops without badges on scene... they remembered to bring in dogs, though.

Yet another black family is without their teenage son this christmas, mere miles from where Mike Brown was murdered by Officer Darren Wilson.
Don't look the other way because you want forget about it. Don't ignore it in preference of holiday cheer. This is not a time for celebration. This is not a time for festivities.
Talk about this. Make sure others hear about it. Make damn sure they know this is far from over.

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xmas eve: 18 year old antonio martin shot and killed by police in st louis


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    I've always lived by a "fuck the police" mentality. Hell, I'm a, war on drugs veteran.

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      your service is appreciated, soldier.
      (in all seriousness though, the "war on drugs" is just another topic i could ramble about for pages, it's so ridiculously ham-fisted and racist and clearly corrupt and not working anyway)

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    I honestly wonder if doing away with this kind of police in favor of implementing a military police would change anything. I've seen time and time again people from the military criticizing the way county police handles protests and demanding a much more organized and professional approach.

    I've lived my entire life under a strong military police presence (along with regular police), since I live in Brazil, and I can't tell whether I'm better off for it or not. There are many who call for the demilitarization of police, and after last year's June shit-show I can understand why. But if the alternative are these poorly trained -wannabe dipshits, I don't feel so certain about that choice.

    Although, different contexts and all that.

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      The problem is, whether the abusing force is police or military, they are only ever a reflection of and reinforcement for the white supremacist and patriarchal values that we are socialized to accept and propagate.

      Lemme go off topic for a moment. Look at how the US military behaved in Iraq. Or Afghanistan. Or Korea. Or Vietnam. The Philippines. Or Japan. Or, hell, on US soil, with regard to genocide against an entire continent of separate nations of native peoples. We have a long track record of indiscriminate bombing, gassing, shooting, torturing, and raping of civilians... in short, a record of genocidal tactics carried out against people of color. Our colonialist roots and current colonialist efforts in much of Africa mean many African countries/groups within those countries have been so disenfranchised in many ways that declaring out and out war is not (often) necessary.
      Now look at how they behaved in Germany. I would name more incidents to the opposite, but... surprise! We (that is, the US) don't have many other spats with white people, because we don't often fight with (read: oppress/attempt to exterminate) white people.

      Important to note: during WWII, we fire bombed some German industrial areas... whereas we fire bombed Japanese towns. One has a strategic rationalization behind it. The other is a war crime and is obviously used to kill off populations of random, innocent civilians.

      Military and police are run by the same kind of people, and therein lies the problem. The people pulling the strings don't care if a person of color (here, it's black people - in other regions it's natives or "arabs" or "immigrants") is killed by a drone strike or a gun; they don't want to punish the white person doing the killing, because they think it's totally reasonable for a white cop to gun down an unarmed black 18 year old.
      Hell, they didn't even charge the guy who killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones. She was seven and asleep on the couch in her own home. All she did was sit up when a cop burst into her house, and he shot her in the head, and they dropped his fucking charges.
      They've set as a precedent that it is okay for a police to shoot and kill an unarmed black child and get away with it. There have never been repercussions for such an act (if you're a white cop), and they're saying, here and now, while everyone is watching, that there never will be because that's the law. And a large (but not surprising) number of (mostly white) people agree with them.

      Small revisions of a police state still leave you with a police state. The answer is not an easy one, and not one I'm prepared to discuss at length on weasyl... but police militarization is really a distraction from the underlying problem of police being horrifically racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, etc. and policing people of color, women, mogai individuals, etc.
      Abuses are gonna happen when you let someone have power over people they hate and fear and think of as lesser beings... and cops without military weaponry still have plenty of power to hurt people. All the black people killed by cops - literally at least one a week since at least August - were killed by handguns... mostly 9mm. Nothing special, but those people are still dead.

      All that having been said, I don't think the police should have nearly the amount of fire-power they do, if they are to exist at all. But as I said... that's an entirely separate discussion.

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    can't help but wonder if the timing was intentional (so people would have an excuse to look away)

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      by that I mean: for whatever reason the trigger was pulled, I wonder that if the same things happened any other day, would the dude have thought twice about killing another human being because he would have felt like he was under more scrutiny?

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        I don't know. I really think it wouldn't have mattered. There has been at least one black person killed a week by police in the US since Mike Brown's death in August and most of them weren't even indicted. Scrutiny doesn't seem to matter, here.

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          unacceptable. to say the least. I think the police are now flaunting their power in people's faces to see how they'll respond, and I don't think they like how people are responding.

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            I think the fact that everyone paid attention to Mike Brown instead of any of the earlier deaths is really just... happenstance. That's the one social media caught onto, that's the one that got big, and since, every death has just been another reminder to people who didn't notice before because privilege can make you oblivious to oppression right under your own nose.
            So the police response isn't really a flaunt, because it's not that measured... they didn't have time to prepare, because they've been doing the same thing over and over for years with nary a peep from large numbers of nonblack people. But now, suddenly, everyone is yelling at them and calling them racist, and how in the hell are they going to deny it? They can't, so they just try to get them to stop by brute force. Some may be flaunting it, but I think most are just angry at the protesters for telling them they're in the wrong.

            I think they're somewhat afraid of the response, many are angry about it (as evidenced by their often vitriolic and violent responses to protesters)... but many are also excited by it. Most, if not all, of the escalation I've witnessed via way too many hours spent on late night livestreams and twitter has been from the police. There's also a lot of evidence that they have agent provocateurs and undercover cops in the crowds trying to start shit. It makes it very hard to figure out what's going on.

            Anyway, I'm just rambling. I really need to stop lecturing innocent bystanders.

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              it's not lecturing, I'm always grateful when you share your thoughts + perspective. I apologize however for not having much to say directly in response because I agree with most of it. mostly I just wanna say thank you, again, for helping folks be aware of these injustices as they happen. you are a better reporter than you think!