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Happy Holiday! by Noxid

Yo ho ho, I'm home for the holidays
it's okay.

I left my tablet pen at my apartment, so I can only draw mouse stuff until I get back :[

in other news, I'm also done school woooooooo
it might be some time before I get my diploma, cuz yknow, bureaucracy, but I am like 98% sure I have all the requirements for my software engineering degree. Feels nice to be out of that.

What will I do next???
only time can tell.

Got a favourite christmas treat or sweet? I'm a big fan of Ganong's Chicken Bones, you can kind of get em all year but they are definitely most readily found around this time of year. Cinnamon candy and bittersweet chocolate, mmmm

Happy Holiday!


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    Congratulations on the degree!
    A favorite snack of mine that I associate with the holidays is this snack mix my grandmother calls "trash". It's pretty much just a seasoned/spiced chexmix w/ pretzels, pecans, and cashews but it's so damn delicious and is a really good childhood memory for me.

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      Haha, weird name, but it sounds nice!
      Pecans and cashews are a great addition to the snackage.

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    Congratulations and happy holidays too!

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    I miss chicken bones. Next time you return to the colonies I demand both Chicken Bones and Coffee Crisp in place of the terrible proportioned porn that you never delivered.

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      Also happy holidays you donut

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      just cuz I'm slow doesn't mean I'm not gonna do it. it's ONLY been like 3 months.
      but I will feed your addictions.

      thanks doe

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        At least next year I'll know what to ask you to bring! Also I know it is top secret but was the picture of Laddy put to good use?

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          oh yes I think you will appreciate it very much when you recieve it >:3

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            oh goodness me, noxid-claws is coming to town.

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    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas ^v^! Gratz on graduating too :)!

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      Thanks dude! \('U')/