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Christmas Controversial by Dusk

I'm just journaling here to put down my thoughts on this time of year. Warning; this may be controversial. If you are offended, realize that I am targeting no one in particular and intend no harm. If you feel the need to respond angrily or pout me down here for my opinions, you may get blocked. This really isn't intended to offend anyone, but my views may not be exactly neutral either.

Christmas! What's it about.

Well if you are in the western world, you might immediately say "Jesus" or some such, right?

I disagree. In fact, I am getting so I take offense to it. I am a Celtic man of Irish decent, raised by a liberal, forward thinking familly in the wide open spaces of Wyoming. If you know anything about people from Wyoming and Colorado, then you know that we tend to be very independent, self sufficient people and take pride in doing things our own way. This coupled with the other two bits of background there actually lead me over the years to think a lot on the ultra-Christian messages that are sent in this country.

To most, it's normal. it's not really something you feel bombarded with in the U.S. But when you are someone like me, Someone that is not a Christian, then you find it to be very invasive and down your throat often.

Now to clarify. I am NOT an atheist. My spirituality is very personal though and I am extremely open-minded to alternative ideas. My celtic heritage leads me to a deep interest in things unseen, I acknowledge forces beyond ourselves that can be called out too, I believe in an existence beyond, among other things. I get that same warm fulfillment and guidance in my life that Christians tell me I can only get if I follow their path.

So that said, Christmas; What is the meaning of Christmas?

Well, Christ Mas, right? Jesus! Even if I don't like it. Right?


Some facts; If there was in fact a historical Jesus Christ, then all likelihood and evidence points to the idea that he would have been born between the times of February and April.

More facts; Almost all groups of people from more northern climates celebrated some form of winter solstice festival or dead of winter festival. It was actually quite necessary for survival as it generated good feelings, rejuvenation, and hope.

even more facts: Christianity and the church was VIOLENT! And they swept over these cultures and they wiped them clean. They actually erased history and rewrote it in their favor for the most part. Gaelic, original Welsh, both languages that were utterly destroyed by them! there is SO much we lost.

This is just a summery, I'm not even going to go into detail because that would be an entire semester coarse at least.

So today, what is Christmas? Well, Christians took the solstice and made it a day for Jesus, right?

Actually, that is right! But it didn't stay so. Let me explain.

The Christmas Tree, Santa Clause, the Yule Log, Mistle Toe, Baked Ham, Gift exchanging, Reindeer as a simbol, these are all DEEPLY rooted in non-Christian tradition! They may have been modified to be "Christian-safe" but they are not, in core, Christian.

Where am I going with this? Well, everyone this holiday tries to guilt you with "Christmas should be about Christ" and "Pust Christ back in Christmas!" I use to feel guilted by that too, and then I realized, I'm not Christian! Sooooo does that mean Christmas isn't really for me? Than I'm a hypocrite for celebrating?

NO! It actually doesn't XD Let me explain once again.

The way I see it, Christmas was taken by the Christians, and now, balance is returning. Even if you are a Christian, histor does not lie; Christianity up-heaved the world. It set things off balance badly. Maybe now, what is happening is that balance is returning! Maybe what Christmas is REALLY about is the beauty of being with each other, celebrating friendships and family and ties that remain year after year. Gifts honor people, food makes people feel good, the traditions make people feel safe, and the spirit of it all gives people hope.

So I say, Let's NOT put Christ back into Christmas. If Christ is Christmas for you? Great. But Christmas, is for everyone.

Cheers and happy holidays, guys. XD

Christmas Controversial


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