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The Golden Mangle by Another Gone Profile

Freddy Fazbear:
[x] You can be sneaky and trick people
[x] You're considered 'tough' or 'in charge'
[/ (they learn not to)] Nobody messes with you
[/] You like to sing, even if you're good or bad at it
[ ] You like having all the attention
[I don’t know] Many people look up to you


Chica the Chicken:
[/ (it’s a pain in the ass)] You like cooking
[x] You simply adore food/eating
[x] Pizza is one of your favorite foods
[ ] You're very social
[/] You like to make new friends
[ ] You're an early bird; you get up and move around quickly


Bonnie the Bunny:
[ ] You're almost considered the third wheel
[x] You're very concerned about your friends and family and those you love
[x] People underestimate you
[x (scary huh?)] You're tougher than you look
[ ] You're physically disabled/have a born problem
[x] You become attached to your friends and will stop at nothing to protect them


Foxy the Pirate Fox:
[/] You're adventurous
[x] You're shy and closed off to those you aren't close to
[x] You are afraid of making mistakes
[ ] You're swift and nimble
[x] You've done something that's ruined your entire life
[x] You hate being watched

TOTAL: 4 ½

Toy Freddy:
[x] You've replaced someone
[x] Looks can be deceiving to you
[ ] People say you look very friendly
[x] Your friends say you're scary when angry
[/] You can tell when someone's lying
[x] It's hard to get around you without punishment

TOTAL: 4 ½

Toy Chica:
[x] You've replaced someone
[ ] You love fashion
[ ] You like to look your best and put on makeup
[ ] You love to party
[/ (I’m picky about them)] You like cupcakes
[x] You have a very watchful eye

TOTAL: 2 ½

Toy Bonnie:
[x] You've replaced someone
[ ] People often mistake you for the opposite gender
[x] You are very clever
[/] You've copied a certain style or look from someone
[ ] You're constantly on the move
[x] It's hard to shake you off once you're onto something

TOTAL: 3 ½

Mangle / Toy Foxy:
[x] You've been abused
[x] People pick on you
[x] Your bite is worse than your bark
[x] You feel alone
[x] You don't like it when people push you around
[x] You hold grudges


The Puppeteer / Marionette:
[ ] People say you're a trickster or a clown; you're goofy
[x] You know a lot more than people think you do
[/] You don't like to lose your cool
[x] Some people say you're evil or two-faced
[x] You are pretty good at solving things
[x] In the end, you like having the last laugh

TOTAL: 4 ½

Balloon Boy:
[/] You act like a child
[x] You know how to get on peoples' nerves
[ ] You enjoy making people irritated
[x] Some people say you're immature
[x] You laugh at a lot of things, even if some people don't find it funny
[/] You like to stick close to your friends


Golden Freddy:
[x] You're a downright outcast
[x] You feel forgotten
[x] You like to strike when people least expect it
[x] People say you're one of a kind
[x] Something terrible happened to you in your past
[x] You have something unique that sets you away from other people


Hmm, so I'm a mangled up tangled up mess of a soul, dripping with Golden sorrow.
Sounds about right, I dare say.

The Golden Mangle

Another Gone Profile

Journal Information
