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ferguson: general info by Jive

the ferguson tag on my tumblr
the ferguson liveblogging tag on my tumblr

the first is general information, mostly reblogs from others, sharing of livestreams and commentary, etc.
the second is my tag for when I'm watching streams and liveblogging events to let others know what's happening in as first hand an account as I can. I try to follow streams and twitter to keep track of what's happening. it's a lot of short posts, mostly for reference to consider later after things calm down.

I may be liveblogging more tonight... but I might be taking a mental health break. unsure. depends on how I'm feeling when things start to heat up, honestly. I'm pretty exhausted and tense right now.

ferguson: general info


Journal Information



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    i always admire your extremely forward attitude with keeping up with these kinds of issues

    that said, please also do not risk your own self and stability more than you need to! please take care jive

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      I honestly wish I could be there or do more. staying informed feels like the least I can do.
      but yeah, thank you for the reminder! I often forget to take breaks, to my own detriment. been trying to remind myself that I need sleep and time away from the computer, though, so I think I'm all right.

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        i feel you. im personally going to be regularly reblogging resource and support posts on my tumblr so people can know where to donate or otherwise send help to if they can

        keep going strong friend

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          tumblr and twitter are both just wells of info on this thing right now. I don't even post to twitter, I just follow some people and watch what's going on.

          thank you... and you too

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      agreed about you having admirable dedication to keeping us all updated, also that your mental health is most important!! also vin you yourself are amazing at helping keep everyone updated and your most recent compilation journal was really helpful!! both of you should extremely feel good and actually helpful because you are for real

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        hell you should see what happened when i posted the same journal with the donation resources over on deviantart

        racists seeping out of the woodworks like a little plague

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          oh my goodness. yknow I've been wondering if I'd been imagining it, but now I'm sure of it -- there's something about weasyl that lends to folks who understand these sorts of things congregating here, people who get that race and gender and etc should all be treated with gravity and respect...I think it's something that happened coincidentally/naturally, but is now becoming something of a trend for sure, which makes me happy because now weasyl is kind of a safe space for discussing these things.

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            ive seen some p garbage things on weasyl but for the most part it honestly seems pretty contained? its really a breath of fresh air

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        It was really helpful to see this actually because I was feeling guilty over taking a "mental health night" last night and not doing any livestream checking or anything... I know it's silly, but the guilt still lingers, and it's surprising how much someone else telling you they appreciate your efforts can boost morale.

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          ahh, I know what you mean and I'm glad it was helpful -- but always know that your health is most important and I hope you are aware of all you have done to help already!