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Transgender Day of Remembrance/Awareness Week Q&A by Shadderstag

Honestly didn't even know that this was this week, or that it was already over, until I read my boyfriend's Journal. Sorta nabbing his intro here.

Today is Transgender Remembrance Day and the end of Transgender Awareness Week. Today is the day to remember and honor all of the trans people who have passed away, be it from acts of violence, suicide, or other unrelated means. It is a day to recognize the difficulties transgender people face, both internally and externally. But most importantly it is a day to treasure and respect the transgender people who are still here, and who are important to you.

I'm trans, and don't keep it a secret. I'm proud to be trans, as it's a big part of my identity and who I am. It took me years to come to terms with being trans, however. I had to overcome a lot of internalized toxic garbage and escape the toxic environment that was my hometown and family before I felt safe and comfortable enough coming out. It has been hard to convince some people to use the correct name and pronouns, but I have been lucky enough to have family and friends who genuinely love me and want me to happy. Not to mention the most supportive and loving boyfriend who has been my rock throughout my entire coming out process, and who has been there pretty much from day one of me exploring my gender identity.

I identify as demimale, as most days I'm male, but some days I feel completely agender, or genderless. If you have ANY questions about my experiences with being trans, or have questions about trans issues, I will do my best to answer! They can be as personal or as general as you wish, just keep in mind that I am giving you permission to ask me and me alone. This does not greenlight you to go ahead and ask these questions of other trans people unless they have given you their explicit permission as I have done.

That all said, ask away and I shall do what I can to answer your questions! You can do so in the comments, or you can PM me :)

Transgender Day of Remembrance/Awareness Week Q&A
