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Trying to migrate from FA? by Briarwood

Check out this journal by fancyowls, it's old but it still contains a lot of good advice if you want to wean yourself off of FA. Whether you're leaving for good or you just want to branch out to other galleries, it's worth a read.

-signed, someone who did not go running back to FA in a week, and hasn't posted anything there in almost a year ;D

Trying to migrate from FA?


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    FA needs a Moses-kind of personality who'll lead the disillusioned furries into the promised land, but never reach it himself... :)

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    I know I definitely don't miss FA.

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    I haven't posted there in a long while too, but probably will again, if only for more traffic. Weasyl is.. kinda dead :/

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      Thing is though, If more people leave the shithole that is FA, This place wouldn't BE so dead.

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    Thank you for sharing this! I've been a bit of an advocate about trying to make Weasyl more active and convince more people to post here and help the community. Weasyl is a great site and I am already following most of those ideas, and there are some great ones in there too!

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    I haven't used FA for months but this recent cockup seems to be the push I needed to actually delete my account as soon as the damn thing goes online.

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    I'm only still active there cos I need the money, dA too, they're both on the list of 'shit to dump with Tumblr when I get a fucking full time job'. Call it motivation >_> There are some great ideas in that journal though, I think I'll take them on board =O

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    I wouldn't miss FA if it finally lost its majority user-base over alternative sites like Weasyl. What's happening now though seems like a true last straw for alot of people. Here's to seeing what happens atleast.

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    Great link, thanks for sharing! Glad you're doing your small part to help the FA-Weasyl transition! I'm only still "active" on FA (i.e. passively watching and occasionally commenting) because I post no art and derive no income from the site whatsoever. Just your basic lurking watcher. But even that level of involvement makes me feel a bit dirty.

    The "I'd post more on Weasyl, but its so dead / I don't get as many faves / I need the commissions" excuse is maddening, it's frustrating to see that particular vicious circle in operation.... Certainly guarantees that nothing on either site will ever change. Maybe I lack the perspective of a struggling artist trying to make ends meet, having gotten peripherally involved in the fandom long after finding a non-art, non-Internet based source of income.

    One would think that tying one's income solely to the future competence/ethics of Dragoneer and his associates would be the more terrifying option....

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      Right?? Do you remember that time back in, winter 2009 I think it was, where FA was down for like a whole fucking month? I had to advertise commissions on Livejournal and yeah it wasn't as convenient but it IS possible to succeed on other sites (except maybe deviantart haha).