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Burn Out!!! by CautionCat

Ahaha. I am SO not used to power drawing anymore. I literally got one commission done (although just cleaned line work) and got through the clean line work for a second (which will be colored) and I literally just DIED of mental exhaustion.

Today was a day that I was just going to burn through what I have currently, but yeah... drawing takes a lot out of me!

But hey, that's what I get for the technique I use for my line work...
Anyway, I am still making way better progress than I used to. I'm not getting all anxious about drawing anymore, which is good!
And thanks to those commissioning me, I have money to stash away into my savings :D!!!

Burn Out!!!


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    Don't blow a fuse now. That would be disastrous. But it's good to hear you have some coin for now. :>

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      Nah I'll be back in the game soon enough. Just was kind of out of it to begin with. Should have taken a nap when I got back from dropping Opie off at work...

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    Do meth, draw more

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      If I do meth, I'm going to just do everything under the sun BUT draw! D:

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      there is far more effective wasy to be more creative

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    Proper rest is da best!