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Yesterday was awesome ~~~~ by Tiido

Interstellar kicked so much ass, and once the pieces started to fall together halfway through I was completey awestruck hahahaa. That is an amazing film. I don't think the few other people in the hall (daytime screening on a work day) understood much what was going on lol, my ex who was with me certainly had very tough time with it also haha.
But I explained it at the restoraunt we went afterwards ~~~~
Awesome food once again at Mandarin (indian + chinese restoraunt) ~~~~~~~
(...never again I will eat an habanero onto full stomach...)

Yesterday was awesome ~~~~


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    See? I told you it was awesome.
    Definitely for people with open minds who love science.
    I thought it kicked ass.

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      I knew I was gonna like it, just not that I was gonna like it so much hahahaha. Definitely exceeded my expectations :D
      Wonderful movie ~~~~~

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    (...never again I will eat an habanero onto full stomach...)
    what happened?

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      My cap blew off and the contents came out.

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        I threw up ghost pepper sauce once. It was by choice, as I could feel it doing something awful to my stomach, oddly enough /after/ I added milk (also to my stomach). I didn't know what was going on so to be safe I went and spewed it all up. It wasn't that bad coming up. Nor was the ghost pepper sauce going down. I ate it straight I think is what the problem was. I was testing how strong it was. A whole habanero, fresh, seemed /stronger than the ghost pepper sauce/. The sauces dilute the spice a lot. Imagine throwing up a fresh ghost pepper @.@

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          I had a full meal before and that habanero started reacting with there and I felt it was gonna blow up and hit the toilet. It certainly blew up lol. On the bright side I managed to eat all the food that was left on the table hahahaha.
          Next day I ate another onto empty stomach, no such problem then. I got several small boxes of various peppers... I'm not gonna throw them away lol.

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            Yeah, it was like, it was reacting /in/ my stomach but not until there was something else added. Odd. maybe the spice reacts with certain foods

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              Or rather, the stomach /itself/ might be irritated, and food being in there might trigger it to unload. Maybe

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                It could be that, I'm not feeling particularly adventurous to try them out in various ways to find out what exactly causes the unload lol.