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Your opinion! (I need it!) and a life update by SNAP

I don't normally do this (since I'm hella paranoid lol), but I feel like if I'm going to continue to be and grow as an artist, I need to know what I'm doing right or wrong. Also it's good to know how some of you newer folks found me and what you'd like to see!

-Why did you watch me initially?
-Why do you still watch me?
-What's your favourite thing to see from me?
-What's your least favourite thing to see from me?
-What would you like to see me do that I've never done?
-What do you think I should improve on?

Sorry for not posting much art. Work has been apeshit and pairing that up with me trying to quit smoking, my truck breaking down, and being broke af, life has been rough, but liveable. I've just been too stressed out to work on art.

To folks I owe pieces, thank you for your patience, I will try and get what I owe done as soon as I can.

Your opinion! (I need it!) and a life update


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    I watched you because you make a pretty bold use of colors tbh. Your art has a kind of "striking" appeal to it. I also really like how often you'll use less lines and more implied curves through coloring like here.

    I guess what you could improve on would be trying to go for more "dynamic" scenes? Honestly that's a problem for basically everyone I know, myself included so aaaaeaebaebhaeb

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      Thank you, I really appreciate your description and compliments. :)

      I've been struggling with structure and character dynamics for a long time. I see the stiff posing and posture in my art all the time, but I've never had an easy time finding the right way to fix it.

      I know I probably should practice drawing different poses and things, heck even practicing my anatomy would help lol.

      Again thank you!

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    I saw on the front page you did this piece of Francis' OC. I'm still watching because barely a minute has past, I like the clean lineless style you've got about but I haven't seen much else of your work; but I really love this piece in particular as I'm a sucker for mixed media: Stay Fly Just that dustry, velvet texture is rather uncommon and I crave novelty, particularly with illustration lines of work.

    Like what Kajy was saying with Dynamic Scenes; I also need to do these myself, but more scenes with backgrounds, or have more than one character per image, or characters interacting with a prop. I'm ultra-self conscious by the amount of times I draw my own main character, but you've done a pretty even spread for variety. To suggest something you've never done, I'd say draw Robots. I noticed you're also a musician so enjoy this relevant piece Wir Sind Helden - Kaputt.

    For something to improve upon, I'm going to say using hands as a means to aid the expression of the character and not just anatomical detail, you've done it for a few but when you're out and about, try watching to what people do with their hands when speaking as a lot of non-verbal information is passed on through them. So even for a very stylized drawing I think it may be useful to pick up on.

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      First of all, thank you so much for all the favorites and the watch, I really appreciate it! :D
      And thank you for the feedback and advice! I use a lot of filters and and layers in my digital work, but I'm actually trying to lighten up on using them, I've been too focused on making things pretty and now I'm trying to focus on the substance of a piece and not the glamour haha. I'll always have some filters, just not so heavy lol.

      It's slow going since I work a lot and sadly art takes the back seat quite frequently.

      Thank you for the advice though, I plan on applying what you suggested on my future works! :)