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Any of my songs you'd like to buy off of Bandcamp that aren't already there? by Woofle

Kind of a weird question, but as money is really tight around here this month, and I need to cover some big purchases, I thought it might help if I put a few more tunes on bandcamp. Let me know what ones you're interested in, and I will post them by request! I'm only going to be doing this from Today (Friday) until the 20th of November, so let me know ASAP if there are any ones you'd like to buy and take with you wherever you go! :D

As always, you can always listen to my stuff for free here, or on Soundcloud, of course.

Some helpful links, too, if you need 'em!

My Bandcamp Site!

Freedom Planet Soundtrack on Bandcamp!

Most of all, thank you!!!

Any of my songs you'd like to buy off of Bandcamp that aren't already there?


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  • Link

    This is gonna be hard one !
    I'll prepare a small list in coming days, there's several recent tunes that I would gladly give you some dorral for ~~~~~

    • Link

      Ooh, okay! Perfect! :D Just let me know when, and I'll put 'em up! :D

      • Link

        For starters, this list is enough :

        New Hayden - Dawn to Noon
        Sneaking Under the Moss
        Official Business!
        [Boss] Like A Boss
        Done Got Lost
        Storm's Culmination [Night]
        Bouncy Badguy Base
        Somewhere Else, Somewhere Beautiful
        Blue Gate

        • Link

          Add this one too :
          Festival Of Storms

          • Link

            Workin' on it! :D I've got the first one up, as part of an album;

            I'll be getting the others up over the next few days! :D

          • Link

            Done & Done (finally!!)
            A couple of the project files were lost in the great computer switchover of '14. x.x; I was planning on redoing the files before I got around to them in the story, but for now, I did what I could to get them set up for Bandcamp (you can probably guess! XD) Two songs -broke- upon re-render, and I'll be adding those later. Those were "Somewhere Else, somewhere Beautiful"and "Official Business" I will try to get those done tomorrow! Here you go. :3


            • Link

              Naisss ~~~~

  • Link

    I wish I could support you in your bandana, but no money.

    • Link

      Bandana! XD I love it! But hey, no worries!

      • Link

        Sorry, autocorrect is a bitch at times!

        • Link

          I don't know. XD I thought it was great!! It made me giggle, 'cause I figured auto-correct was up to its old tricks again.

          • Link

            Well, you were right. It's funny to others, but incredibly embarrassing when it changes something to a weird word or in one example I borrowed a phone to text a friend and it said "Are we going to suck dick again?" I meant to say "Are we going to see Dine again? " (Dine is a local band)

            • Link

              Oh my God, that had to be incredibly embarrassing!!! @~@ I hope you were able to iron that out.

  • Link

    Didn't you help out with Sonic Megamix? If so, what about some of that? Maybe also Sonic-themed album of your remixes from the old games?

    • Link

      Yeah, that one's kind of tricky, as I said before... I'll keep looking into it, but I'm not sure if it'll be an option or not. :<

  • Link

    Definitely going to make a list of a few I'd like. I'll send you a note soon with the list. However, I won't be able to buy them until it gets closer to the 20th. I picked up the Freedom Planet soundtrack sometime ago. It's a favorite of mine.

    • Link

      Eee! Thank you so much! :D Let me know when, for sure! Take your time, though!