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So... I did an Art stream... by Cyph3r

It consisted of me, with two of my friends watching. I had a plan I wanted to stick to... But as soon as I started streaming any plans I had went out the window... It's like stage fright set in, 'cept my hands didn't wanna work right.

Does anyone have any tips for me for when I do an art stream again to keep me steady and on track?

So... I did an Art stream...


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    Well I've tried streaming a few times and it's semi hard to get over the feeling of being watched. It's kind of you want to do your best work but then you don't want to make a fool of yourself. I would suggest streaming to friends first really. Odds are they will love you no matter what you doodle in front of them. With that you will feel a bit more comfortable over time. It's kind of a fear you learn to conquer the more times your exposed to it. Like in school they make you do power points in front of the class. The more times you do it the less you care.

    Though I was the type who was so scared the first real presentation I gave was my legs shaking, I couldn't finished sentences and sounded like I was about to cry. The teacher felt so bad that he just told me to go back to my seat. o..o But the other side of the coin I've always doodled in class or someone peeking occasionally to what I was drawing. Most of my homework consisted of little doodles on it. King kong eating the number 5 in a math equation. lol

    Not to be horrible but it's kind of like a classroom situation. They are half paying attention to you. When I enter streams I flip back and forth while doing pet sites and etc. Unless they are doing something I'm really trying to learn. Pick up any tips or tricks really. There kind of like the student sitting next to you in class as you doodle. Your greatly aware of them peeking but you know they are also trying to listen to the teacher or do their work.

    Though internet makes a few people negative. When you branch out to bigger communities. I'm prepare for the occasional idiot. Most streams have block systems and it's easily solved. Though! lol streams allow for people to give helpful criticism. They may chime in and I wouldn't take them as insult. Though leg room, some may come off a little more stern then others. But the streams I've peeked in, the people generally do not join to harass. It's other artists coming in and more of the time people just have a nice conversation about something. More times they'll chime in with tips or encourage you.

    I'll cut this before I write an essay but I hope this helps. ^^