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Im Sorry Everyone by JadeBleufox

I thought I was gonna get back to doing arts again this week but my mind and body was like NO.

I haven't been feeling well on top of being stressed out and exhausted.

For the past 3-4 days I have done nothing but laid in the bed and slept. I just hope im not getting sick......with this switch from warm weather to cold....idk

Hopefully and can drag my carcass from the bed later and force myself to work....which I would really hate to do....

Also...Isa and I have yet to get any word on our food stamps....we have been a fucking battle to get our shit done....when I checked a while ago it still showed that we were still in "Denied"....i sent the paperwork off Friday when I called them back about my time extension because I was to get a call back and never did....customer service told me that my case worker did try calling me.....but i never did x.x But they put in another call back request on the matter and im waiting again....if they don't call tomorrow im not gonna be happy....its bad enough that I have health insurance companies calling me left and right from multiple numbers.....x.x

But as far as the backlog I have. Expect them to be done sometime next month...maybe around Thanksgiving (Nov 27) give or take. Sorry for being so slow...ive been putting up with stupid shit and then FA went down....its just been one thing after another.

Im Sorry Everyone


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    While I do think that you might be falling ill, I hope that you win the battle involving food stamps.

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      I took a hot shower and I feel a bit better but I still feel like I've been stepped on by a horse.