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Eu Sunt Dracul (Or, a Dracula Untold Review) by DarkRyuukin

Alright everybody, sit on down, take a knee, what have you, its time for Sarah's Dracula Untold review (I'll try my best not to spoil anything too important though ((or give some warning)) and I'll have a tl;dr at the bottom)...
First off, I'd give it a 5 out of 5 star rating. I'd give it even higher if I could.
I've seen many renditions of Dracula, via movies, books, video games...
A brief run down, because I'm not sure if anyone else who follows me is a big Dracula fan, but I know a few who might be, let me explain to you my previous favorite renditions
I loved Dracula as portrayed in Van Hellsing. I thought as far as villian Dracula's go, he was one of the best. I loved his whole demenour, and it was exactly as I'd picture Dracula to become after many years of being immortal. I mean come on, immortality has GOT to wear on you at some point.
Anyway, the other favorite Dracula of mine was in Castlevania Lords of Shadow (the first one). I wont ruin the game for anyone who still hasn't played it so if you haven't jump to the next paragraph. Basically the main character wanted desperately to resurrect the love of his life. In the end he learns he killed his own wife, defeats Satan, and as a reward, is granted eternal life by his wife no less (or maybe it was from using too much shadow magic? I guess it wasn't thoroughly explained). That'd be great and all, but all he wanted was to see her again, and now he can't and his immortality and new found power drives him mad. At the end of the game we see him sitting in his throne and he yells "eu sunt dracul" a very famous line to those who enjoy Dracula stories.
SO, now why did I love this rendition so much, and why is this possibly one of my favorite Dracula stories to date?
It is one of the few Dracula stories that takes place, in my opinion, when it was supposed to. Its an origin story, and that's so cool to me. In fact one of the NUMBER ONE reasons why I loved this one so much, was throughout the whole movie, Vlad was not evil. He, was, not, evil. He was just trying to protect his home and his people in the only way he knew how. (spoiler alert skip to next paragraph if you don't want to spoil it) In fact in the end we see him in MODERN DAY and he still, from what we see, isn't evil. He falls in love with whom he assumes to be the reincarnation of his dead wife. How sweet.
Some dorky "I'm a dracula fan" facts I found neat from the movie: They stayed true to the original Dracula tales, and had his fangs come from his eye teeth, not his canines. I'm 90 percent sure the vampire who gave him his vampirism was Nosferatu in this movie. He had transformation, but not into one tiny bat, but into thousands. He (and other vamps) growled like wolves (those who know vampire tales, know that they used to be told to also be able to transform into wolves, similar to lycans. I AM A HUGE DARK FANTASY NERD). He was vulnerable to silver, VERY important (at least to me, since most people think silver was only good against lycans/werewolves).
Other good stuff: They stayed true to history at least in terms of the whole Ottoman Empire thing vs Transylvania (well, as true as one can when its a movie about a vampire). I thought there was going to be an unnecessary "romantic" scene, but it actually was plot relevant. THEY STAYED TRUE TO THE ACTUAL STORY OF VLAD THE IMPALER!!! To the point of even mentioning how he'd BURN DOWN VILLAGES OF HIS OWN PEOPLE. I thought the blood seeking vision was neat. He tried resisting becoming a vampire, how neat is that?
I could geek out all day BUT
Some not as great things: I was confused as to why the Turks had a Russian accent... but okay. The turks didn't look... Turkish (aside from their armor) and in fact one they particularly look at but don't mention the name of, looks more viking than anything! How odd. The Transylvanians didn't look Transylvanian! Remember, Transylvania is Romanian. Vlad was the only character who looked mildly like he could fit in. Everyone else looked seriously nordic; blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Especially his wife. I was disappointed there... they got all the history right, but couldn't make the people look correct? Come on!
And I know many more serious Dracula fans might have more to say, or maybe corrections to even give me, but this is just MY take on everything

Tl;dr : The movie was amazing. A bit white washed (though what movie lately isn't? Even the new Khan in Star Trek was affected by it), and if you're looking for a villain Dracula, this isn't it. But it sure is a great movie, and I'm going to definitely buy it when I can. Some people may watch movies like the Lord of the Rings and feel an odd homesickness. Some it may be sci fi. For me, its dark fantasy stuff, and this movie made me long very much for stuff like this to be possible. If you like Dracula, or vampire stories, I'd definitely say go watch this movie.

Eu Sunt Dracul (Or, a Dracula Untold Review)


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  • Link

    This is easily the most glowingly positive review of the movie I've seen so far!

    • Link

      Was it?! Should I post this somewhere... useful?

      • Link

        Like where? :O

        • Link

          I'm not sure? Like a movie rating site?

          • Link

            Maybe, I don't know! There's space for users to comment on Rottentomatoes I think. Up to you though!