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"Work" (Rant) by BradPez

If you know me, you'll know that I really do not like American society. This is just one of the many reasons. Americans are slaves to the monster they've created which we call work. A lot of this work could easily be done with machines, but people are extremely against it as they think it's horrifying and would kill jobs but in reality people could still be used for upkeep on the robots. The monster (work) only pays people enough for table scraps and never really gives people anything to live off of, forcing them to come back and forcing them to let the monster take over every aspect of their life.
Meanwhile the people who are unemployed or self employed are seen as lazy people who contribute nothing to society. For goodness sake! Unemployed, I guarantee, are trying their hardest to contribute, but the monster is refusing to let them! And self employed people are most definitely contributing! Self employed people are usually artists, youtubers, and the like. Without those people several websites would be either really boring or not exist at all. Let's not forget authors. Yeah, that book you're reading, there's a high chance that person makes their whole living off of selling books.
Growing up, I was near brainwashed to think that America was home of the free/brave and entrepreneur friendly. Well I was lied to. Entrepreneurs and self employed have the hardest time starting up because people have been brainwashed to only trust huge companies they go to all the time even if the companies are bad. Huge corporations will even go out of their way to make sure they're the only ones to be able to provide something and try their hardest to force new small businesses and self employed to quit and become one of their own employees. At the current minimum wage though it's definitely more like slavery.
For someone like me that has several anxiety issues, it's hard to get a job in the first place and then it's even harder to keep it. The monster doesn't like self conscious slaves so it tries its hardest to get rid of them.
What do I want to do with my life? I want to draw and maybe make videos, and do what I love to do, but apparently society doesn't need art or entertainment. Hear me out on this part. Artists have a very difficult time living off commissions because you need to be very well known and also very good. Youtubers have to have thousands of views before they can start buying groceries. For little people like me that aren't very good we're kind of stuck here just wasting air on this planet and we keep trying in usually false hopes that we'll be good some day.
People say life sucks and that's how it is... well, if life sucks, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! That's what I'm trying to do anyway. If something doesn't work, then you fix it. "The market" as the economy is sometimes called, is a man made thing, and is currently broken. Why don't we try to frikken fix it so we don't have all these issues anymore? It's not some natural force that needs to be worshiped or pleased as corrupt people tend to think.
Here are a few of my own recommendations:

  • Raise minimum wage to a point where people can actually live off of it.
  • Keep part time hours BELOW 32 hours. People choose part time for a reason.
  • Set up a slot system for people to be able to choose when they work. This way, you won't have people being forced to work 10 days in a row for 10 hours each day.
  • Flat tax rate. People are going to scream at this, but if you have the tax at say, 10% for everyone based on income, then everyone pays 10% of their income. Poor people will still pay a lot less than the rich people as rich people have a much higher income. That's just basic math and logic.
  • Cheaper or free health care. We are the ONLY country in the world that charges $80,000 for an emergency. Broke an arm and a leg? Well that's what you're paying them. This really needs to be changed.
  • Give unemployed a small allowance. I do know this is something already done, but it's almost nonexistent in the states. Give unemployed something to work with so they can actually have an easier time getting a job or making money off of what they love. When they reach the point where they make more than the allowance, then cut off the allowance.
  • Invest in new, safe technology! Invest in space travel! Invest in the arts! Preserve the environment! Preserve history!
  • This one is a personal message to the media. Stop scaring people to grab their attention. Stop spreading biassed opinions presented as if they were facts. Stop showing only specific facts in order to make people think a certain way because you are not propaganda.

"Work" (Rant)


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