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Oh wajas... by Zrcalo

So I was bored and decided to peruse wajas.
Basically happened across this post..

"Apparently I have a reputation as a child molester in my hometown. (Edit: This rumor has been ongoing for quite some time now. I don't know who started it.) but I have never done anything harmful to children. I help children to learn and grow as a babysitter, it makes me sick to see and hear the bullying. And my mom makes it worse by telling a local TV news station about it.(edit: what the bullies did. Mom called the police, mayor, school principal and several other local authorities) And my even worse, my mom keeps calling me the wrong names and pronouns spitefully. (Edit: Kind of more like she forgot who I am. It worries me..) What should I do?"

which I replied...

"What did you do? Did you do anything specific? If people (even your own mom) are saying these things, chances are you did something.
Also why would it be WORSE for your mom to call you a different name and pronoun?
It's weird that you would want to be called a child molester over those two other things.
Also if you were a child molester, or accused of one, you'd be handcuffed and on the sex offender list.
Therefore, I dont think it would be as bad enough to contact the local media?
Some explanation on the situation would be nice."

Which this post was flagged, then unflagged.

to which... I woke up this morning to my account being frozen. Only a post telling a person about birth control was removed, mind you. And people were agreeing with me in the thread.

I'm confused. I received no warning on my account (and I havent recieved any warnings on them for years, contrary to what people think??? you can check in my messages or my account)

I woke up and saw this:
" You have been told again and again that you need to be respectful and appropriate on the forums, and we have given you many chances to watch what you say. You have continued to be rude, inappropriate, and disrespectful. Your account is being frozen."

I answered someone on the forums, but none of the posts were flagged and people were agreeing with me?

The only one that was removed was from this thread:

in which I state the same things the original poster said, then gave advice to use multiple forms of birth control. I dont think it was inappropriate and I dont see any posts about it?

I've been posting similar responses for the past two years and none of them have been flagged and I've received no warning. I dont know if this is related to the other moderaters still holding grudges against me.

You can look through my messages going back years. I have no official warnings in there. Yet I keep being told that I've received warnings. I havent.

I am halfway expecting a response from the moderators along the lines of "you know what you did and yes you did" which explains nothing and provides no proof.

I do not understand why anything I say keeps getting translated into something passive-aggressive, and I am honestly confused WHY I was banned and not given warnings, permasilenced, given a suspension, etc.
If I offended someone on the forum, I dont think autobanning is the correct answer to this. But watch, it'll be a hook for saying "but zee's been a problem for years and is constantly being offensive and knows what he did (or did it on purpose) and we've told him not to do this before"

which is just another excuse.

I really do not feel like being on this site anymore. I do not feel safe. If I could have my account permasilenced (forum banned) (if the forums are the issue, then just simply take out the forums). so I can liquidate my account.

If the other moderators refuse to budge on their decision, then I give full permission for the site to auto-liquidate my account and everything on it, including gen 2's etc.

I dont feel safe on this site. Any excuse will be used against me to ban me and not any other measures. There are other options besides banning, and I dont think being banned from a forum post is a warranted decision. There are always suspensions and permasilencing.

which, I received the reply...

Well, I've looked at this situation from a new set of eyes as I've not looked into previous issues that have developed due to your out spoken attitude.

But, looking at your comments, and previous ones you have been warned about, you seem to lack empathy to peoples feelings, and because of that your comments come across as harsh and without that empathy and feeling it is upsetting to onlookers, and upsets people in general, and, if I'm honest, will continue to do so unless you can learn to see life from the viewpoint of walking in another persons shoes.

Before you speak/post on a forum, how would you feel in a similar situation as the OP?

We all need to learn empathy, it's a key thing in life that separates us from animals. If you can't learn that, and respect other peoples feelings, then maybe you need to learn to find that within you before you comment on peoples threads.


so evidently wajas has diagnosed me with sociopathy.

This is what I told them in return..

I'm... still confused. but okay. I'm going to chock it up to severe cultural misunderstandings, as I've been talking about everything that happened on this site through the course of it with my friends and business owners.

From what I've gathered and what we've all agreed on, this website only allows the answer "yes" to everything. Any questioning or accountability is frowned upon.

its one of the reasons why people have left and why others wont join. If anyone is called out, the person who called them out gets punished. Even if they are correct.

A place is only as safe as the people who inhabit it.

I would like this account to be auto-frozen, thankyou.

Oh wajas...


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    this is why I don't pet site anymore

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      so far, flightrising has been the only one not attacking everyone.

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        I'd put forum signature clickables and the people who use them under a whole new category

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    Make them remove your work. DMCA that shit.