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October? It's Stoptober to me! by nh63879

Well it only a week to go now until October, or as it will be known to me as and many of the UK furs as "Stoptober". And I'm happy to announce that I'm in! Yes that's right I've joined the thousands of people across the UK who are going to stub out the tobacco for good. Good for you I hear some of you say. And I say thank you. Some of you are thinking why all of a sudden? Well long story short I've been suffering from severe depression since 2006 and have been going from a light smoker to a moderate and at times of hardship a heavy smoker.

So anyway I remembered that my brother, who is also a quitting smoker, left me one of his electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) for me, I have used them before in between the regular smokes and I have to admit that things were working out for the better, and cheaper. In fact I checked my bank statement the other day and found out that yet again the price of tobacco had gone up again to eight pound fifty or more for a 20 pack of ciggarettes, around fourteen to fifteen dollars a pack! Shocking eh! And I'm sure my fellow UK furs have heard what the Labour Party want to do to save the NHS and cut the defecit by issuing a mansion tax on homes that are more than a million pounds and a higher tax on the tobacco companies. Sounds fair enough to me. So anyway after a lengthy discussion with my parents I've decided to take part in the nationwide stop smoking campaign "Stoptober" which starts next Wednesday and lasts for 28 days but I'm going to go further and go a month without the sin-sticks! Well actually I'm cutting down right now and I'm going for the vapor and e-cig option which will help me come off the stuff for good hopefully.

I'm not preaching out to all of you who smoke to stop. I just know that no matter what the reason why one smokes is none of my business and I'm not going to get all "in your face" to those who do smoke. I welcome anyone who does smoke and decide enough is enough and quit to join in and take the 28 day challenge. I'll keep you all you posted day by day on my progress. So here goes nothing...wish me all the best of luck!

October? It's Stoptober to me!


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