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Pathologic remake on Kickstarter by TheScatterbrain

A remake of Pathologic! I'm really excited about this, so I'm gonna spread the word a bit.

Pathologic originally came out for PC in 2005, made by the Russian development team Ice-Pick Lodge.
You play as one of three doctors/healers who has to try and minimize the damage done by the "Sand Plague" that has swept over a strange town in the middle of nowhere. You have 12 in-game days to do it, and during that time you have to keep yourself from dying of illness, hunger, angry thugs and exhaustion (it's harder than you'd expect), all while juggling whatever dilemmas and quests the town and its inhabitants send your way.
It's difficult to slap a genre on it, since it's an odd, experimental game and grabs gameplay elements from all over the place. I'd mostly call it a survival horror game, though, but not the kind with monsters and jump scares.

The original Pathologic is the most interesting game I’ve ever played, but it was weighed down by broken gameplay mechanics, severely outdated graphics and horrible translations.
The fact that it managed to be so captivating (to me and other people who bothered with it) despite its overwhelming flaws, says a lot about the quality of the core game and concept.

Please consider backing this. 13 days to go of the Kickstarter and they’re not completely funded yet.

If you’d like to see a game that’s very different from anything else out there, has a ton of atmosphere, really good world building, and focuses on actual survival and stressful decision-making rather than oh-no-run-from-the-monster concepts like all the other “survival horror” games do - Then you seriously need to check this out.

Pathologic remake on Kickstarter


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  • Link

    Thanks for the headsup on it! I may not be able to help atm myself but I sure hope it makes it D:

    • Link

      Yesss, I'm crossing my fingers so hard!