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Why I like the Star Wars Prequels by Zrcalo

-gasps and shocks from the audience, suddenly I lose all my followers, weasyl bans me, and I have my citizenship revoked. I must spend my days wandering around in mexico, whilst hiding my identity like the rat I am-

So lets take this apart.
I'll just state this straight out, I started writing Dimension Riders after episode II came out. Dimension Riders started out as a star wars fanfic. I'll admit that.
I was absolutely intrigued by the character Anakin.
I liked how in the advertisements for the first movie, they showed clips and prefaced it with "This is the story about a boy growing up to be Darth Vader". It was essentially the story of the corruption of an innocent boy. Which the whole idea intrigued me.

I watched it, I thought it was okay. JarJar made me uncomfortable but CGI was in it's infancy and i thought the idea of having a whole character animated with CGI was super cool. I mean, I'll bite. I could get used to him. He's young. Maybe he's just ADD because he's young and Anakin was a kid.

The thing was, the story was about anakin.. but they never focused on him. All the action was focused on Qui-gon and Obi-Wan. Plus politics, pod racing, something something amadala, whatever.
It was just briefly mentioned that he missed his mom. Like, tossed aside. Just as an afterthought.

When really the whole entire story was about a boy who was taken away from his mother and forced into a society he did not want to take part of, and which he did not understand. A poor kid who was tossed in with some rich kids. Sound familiar? Sounds more like Harry Potter. But here's the clincher.. From what I understood, his mom was never mean or abusive to him. They essentially took a happy kid away from a loving parent because she was poor and a slave.

Christ. That's dark.
But it was NEVER touched upon. EVER.

This was a kid who was living in poverty because he was a SLAVE. In all intents and purposes, think of the story if he were BLACK. Thats a fucking powerful story right there. But is it touched upon? NOPE!

Now in episode II, It focused more on Anakin, and how he was in a war. From what I heard, the tv show Clone Wars was actually good and BETTER than the movies. There's a lot that could happen in a war. War is not pretty. At all. Even if people are using lightsabers and there's no blood or guts. It's fucking WAR.

Now, what episode II does is by this time that Star Wars lost all it's grittiness. The first ones that came out in the 70's were actually pretty gritty. The new ones? nope! it may as well be a kids show. No tauntaun slicing, no garbage crushing, no mass murder. But thank god for no awkward makeout scenes.... wait.. no, I take that back.

Here's the thing that happened to me.... I saw episode II and thought... WOW, this kid is going to turn into vader. How does this happen? How does he go from a kid who misses his mom to a dark and powerful overlord? All in all, I pieced together that ... let me go and reinstate the plot of episode I, II, and III

Kid who's a slave who loves his mom is bought by some jedi to be a slave because they think he's some kind of chosen one, and he's indoctrinated into a cult which tries to brainwash him and keep him away from his mom and homeworld. Then she dies and fuck jedi's.


Except there's one tiny flaw.... Jedi's are supposed to be the good guys.
So the whole entire three episodes are trying to minimize anakin's horrific story and instead glorify the jedi's.
It's like a giant propaganda piece made as a movie to cover jedi's asses for anakin's pending lawsuit.
I dont blame him for wanting to eradicate them. I'm with him on that. They're a religious cult who takes people with powers and makes them into what they think they should be. ..terrible.
Wait. wasnt that what anakin ended up being? HRRMM.

So some jedi's bought a slave, kept him as a slave, and he became a slavemaster. Thanks Jedi's. You're right, HE WAS A JEDI ALL ALONG.
Luke, I am your father. Now let me kill Voldemort. kthx dad, bye.

I fucking hate all the actors in the new movies. I hate every single one of them. I hate the way it's shown. I hate the way its dumbed down. I hate everything about the third movie. I got so infuriated I went home and sulked for three days. I remember nothing about that movie except copius amounts of emo. He didnt need the jedi's to dump him in lava to hate them. It would have been better if he did that himself to get away from them.

Hence why I started writing ridiculous Star Wars fanfics. I wanted to make the movie better.

Why I like the Star Wars Prequels


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  • Link

    Luke is also the dumbest jedi. If you put him in a corner, he'd punch himself in the face and die.

  • Link

    Pretty much how I feel about them, too, but I did really like the podracing sequence (and the N64 game that came after). I didn't think Hayden Christensen was terrible as Anakin, when he was angry it showed pretty well. Do you have any hopes for episode VII?

    I suppose the Harry Potter parallel would make Yoda Dumbledore :D

    • Link

      :D Yoda would definitely be dumbledore.

      I should probably go back and re-watch them. I do have them on VHS, so I could easily pop them in and give them another glance.
      I had issues with the podracing game. Mostly because it was a reskin of an airplane game I had been playing on the PC for a while. I dont remember which game it was. All the levels were identical. Everything was the same except the plane was turned into a podracer.

  • Link

    I like to think that both the Jedi and the Sith are just plain full of themselves. Why don't most of them study both sides, and become more powerful? Just seems kind of rude to pick 1 over the other. Especially when they're using the same kinds of powers, and weapons.

    • Link

      One seeks out power to dominate, one seeks out power to manipulate.
      Both seek out power for the purpose of control.
      Hence why balance in the universe was restored after both sides died.

      • Link

        If you study the new way, then there is balance.

        • Link

          that.... that should be episodes 7, 8, and 9.

          alternatively.. the new way is just being stupid.

  • Link

    Eep, I'm not going to get into any arguments, but I love eps 1-3 so much. But I do see massive flaws with all the films. And now you got me thinking about the jedi as an evil religion. TWT

    Why did Padme hide on Naboo in the third one?! Why hide on your fucking homeplanet?! That's the most obvious hiding place ever!

    • Link

      Reverse psychology, duh. If you stand out in the open, you're practically invisible! /sarcasm

      The first can be answered with 'we didnt know where the plot would be going'
      the second can be answered with 'I'm stupid'

      • Link

        Aughhhhhh. TWT Dat mr Lucas is a dummy.

        • Link

          D: I dont like what he did to indiana Jones.

          • Link

            What, you mean the terrible plots? Tasteless characters?

            • Link

              the aliens... THE ALIENNNSSSS

              • Link

                I like the aliens in Star Wars and Indie~ :3 They're really neat~

  • Link

    i actually liked the prequels honestly

    • Link

      Me too... :/

  • Link

    K I read the rest but I have no significant comment

    • Link

      If you sat anakin in the corner, he'd sit there until he starved to death. Or drown himself in his own tears.